uNhittables vs noBra!n (3744 views)

ca decimAte
ca bl1tz
gb Street
us Eeyore
us Mistaken
de Aggro
de Bio
de Sunny
de waYne
de terrAy
09.09.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: decimAte (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te

Total Pot: € 4429
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


You have € 2000 on nB|
Possible win: € 3840
you're such a troll. lawl

im going to make sure you lose your Gbooky money ;P
just watch.
what u gonna hack some more
Nah, not quite
wow u found the right team :D
You have € 163 on de nB| Cancel bet
Possible win: € 255.91
its backup master Lo0$eR with a ZERO not a big o pls change or i will get bockig:p
boid lingma wida schee lustig unta de tisch un schlong midde masskriag ananand oans zwoa gsuffa...
un saufn und saufn und brunzn und fressn und saufn und fressn und saufn und saufen und brunzn und kotzen....

und singan und dringan no a mass und no a mass und mera mass und dringan und saufen und brunzn und fressn und saufn und kotzen... des machma glei merare dog lang...

und wenuns danat nacha woch da fakaterte schädl brummt, und ois schtinkt fom biesln kotzn und saufn, dannat schlong ma midde masskriag umananand und haun an unsan am Schädl vom Nachbarn ei und saufn und brunzn

fressn und dringa und saufn und kotzn und saufen und saufen und raufen und saufen; koan störts wennda anda deine zähn ausdrischt,
undi ganze weit is zu feind bei de freind
aus minga...

solangma no bis drei zälln kena bschtei ma no a mass und no a mass und saufen und kriachan de bsuffnan Derndl ins Dirndl und mia saufen bisma nimma kennan laufn... und fressn und saufn und brunzn und saufen und kotzen und saufen und

vom kotzn und saufn is uns
inde vorgärtn drumarum no so mancher haufn ausklaufn...
GL Aggro <3
gl hf nB <3
gl terray
Gonna be on the server before match time. :D

u wanna spec the master :p
Depends on your opponent if match will happen or not. :D
3 barrages, if you check their team.
first good job sir!
no slac = hack

esl gonna make slac mandatory once banlist comes out? If so then bb unhitfags
Oh yeah,, if we hack. why none of us have pbbans?
you act like pb is some sort of decent anticheat :) you should play with slac...OHWAIT
Tell killerboy to come out with a mac version.
Then i will.

So untill then. suck my dick.
errr, there wont be a macversion, cb wont allow macplayers to play in futre :D
Tell killerboy to come out with a mac version.
Then i will.

So untill then. suck my dick.
k thx than sir :)
oh foamea..
your not allowed to do anything with my team anymore.
i've sent the high esl admins a support ticket.

showing them everything that has gone on.
Yeah I may have been wrong in some cases.
But you are an admin. and did your job very poorly.

Cheers buddie.
Have fun messing around with a different team :D
he is the biggest loser admin...
You're wrong. :DDDD
You should read the rules.

And I'm still comming to your match tonight. :D
rules about what?
just cus your an admin don't mean your job was done right.

young nerds...
always demo every match, dont fuck with admins, etc. :)
lol. barrages for nothing.
you said blitz and eeyor were hacking. But yet no proof was brought forth.
You just got mad cus we called you a bad admin.
and you decided to go ape shit and since you cant punch me in the face. your nerd side took effect and banned.
Un likely that you could trough a punch in the first place.
No need for violence, friend. And I wasn't mad. Just acted based on the supplied proofs. bl1tz was banned, whole CF community trolled you hard in that topic. :DDDD
And Eeyore was just penalised for not uploading requested demos, seeing cheating accusations, not banned.
And of course, your language, deserved a lot more penalty points and barrages.
the whole CF community was "for" the ban. lol i dont think so my euro friend. you need to read more....

You're not familiar with the trolls then. :D
Nothing to be "familiar" with you can't read for your life.
im sure the CF community care more about what killerboy thought then you.
See you tonight.
esl admin > american cheaternoob
Decimate prolly the most arrogant player in the gaming scence, just saying
Nah, I'm just like you and andrew and sand ;)
Nothing personal.
yeah but i win when i talk shit lol.. u dont
Who have i talked shit to and lost?
decimAte Monday, 23rd August 2010 16:17 Thank singh :DDD
We are pretty confident :) and u lose 4:0 against a low+ team lol
i was not talking shit....
at all.
you're shit, shut the fuck up
Americans vs Germans, just ausome
gl nB! :)
GL HF NB<3 :O)
decimate acts like hes somewaht good lol tisk tisk
[14:26]ampd-gaming ANDREW: i fuckin suck at this game, plz teach me how to play
gl schlander
You have € 100 on us uNhit} Cancel bet
Possible win: € 774

im gonna nerd slap these germans
no, but you will lose all your money
how are you guys even going to play this match..
it's our last match in ESL. we already joined a few other leagues.
it's our going away party :D
a few other leagues that dont have an anticheat right? :D
i only know of esl and cb, both which are going to be using slac as main anticheat, which coincidentally you will not be playing in :) hf & gl @ new leagues
esl isnt using slac.
are you high nigga?

stop trolllin this site and go meet kate and suck on her 3 inch clit.
actually esl is GOING to be using slac lol
and decimate is GOING to stop playing at esl
ipod ur just as low as them lol
im low?

lol didn't you get turned down by amp'd?
he did o:
ipod. you a bitch ass nigga.
slap your dick with a bologna sandwich
didnt you see his 4man panzer! HIGHSKILLEDPLAYER
awh, andrew canceled his 2000 bet.
now my possible win went down a shitload.
yeah i had to put it on ampd vs cotd duhhhh
hehe its ok.
im going to win 1800 from dignitas vs lost.
gl aggro wayne&co
last match of unhittnoobles ;D:D:D:D

Suspended players:

decimAte offense 19 days
Eeyore New Penalty Points Level 5 days
bl1tz New Penalty Points Level 28 days

So decimate eeyore and bl1tz cant play. What's your lineup then???
+ gl street =)
good luck street :D
You have € 1000 on de nB| Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1290

gl noBra!n
foamea gonna watch??
Yep. Prepared myself some popcorn, will be interesting.

That's if you have 5 legit players that can play in ESL.
Im not sure what the admins at esl are doing but that team should have been removed after they did research on pbbans, kiddo crozz and legit multiple bans....

Ampd-Gaming champ: fact is you are upset, you cheat at one of the easiest games and you are still low- lo
Legit: LOL
Legit: LIKE
Ampd-Gaming champ: its the fact that you deny it
Legit: i told u i hack
look me up on pbbans.
ill give you my ip.
lol? i didnt say that??

and kiddo isnt on this team
and i have no pbbans so gg
o and thanks for the gl messages:D but this match wont go ahead
You should have stayed silent street, now we all can say you belong in that team lol....
No I was referring to your intelligence level, only someone with the iq of pavement would tolerate them.... Try getting on xfire....
^ only someone retarded wouldn't be able to notice how blatantly obvious they are
ive seen chat logs posted and yea they were not faked bb unhit, o and i standby what i said ^^^ but i refuse 2 paly with anyone that has hacked or is hacjkin bb
who are these no names
match cancelled peace
Nooo! I prepared myself to come to the server. Why cancel?
idgaf what u say foamea ill fuck ur mom up the ass.

and im canceling it right now
Die Match-Löschung wurde abgelehnt.

u wish

u will get pp points hf
legit always gets scared :p
just look above bro im tired of this shit
LOL if you chose to play the game as your name states, the drama would not unfold, what an idiot name lol
LOL get owned without even playing :D
o o o o o wned
street why do you play with such trash cheaters lol
Good player Take him!