h3^exe vs BFU (5305 views)

pl orsz
pl edain
pl craken
pl endarked
pl rwz
pl maadz
cz nazQul
cz Yousmell
cz Flash
cz fiRed
cz bAgr
cz DOme
04.02.07 19:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET OpenCup 6v6 Fall 2006
Manager: orsz (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de #GlobalCross Radio
By: Xonn
Listen to Xonn
Language: de

Total Slots: 50
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
cz et.sk ettv
By: jump3r (ettvd)
de #1 ettv at h3-tech.org (#h3-tech)
By: orsz (ettvd)
de ETTV.fr, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: andyF1 (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 121


exe > bfu :P
omfg BFU max low+
bet on h3^exe

BFU lineup:

cz nazQul
cz Yousmell
cz Flash
cz fiRed
cz bAgr
cz DOme
low+ max
tve tak na koho :P
easy bash 4 h3^exe ^^
easy for h3 !
all of money at h3
omfg bfu med- max...
skoda, ze je taky nizky kurz na jasneho vitaza :-(
after last ETTV, bfu are low+ max! fosho
this comment is not even low+ ! fosho
bfu is med i think.
Every clan has good and bad days/games
true true
but h3^exe have this "good day"
every time
ja na tom nic nevidim ze nejaky clan je low+ chlapci sa snazia a to je podstatne

GL BFU but h3 will win they play not bad saw some matches and they are clearly better fo shoji!
easy for BFU imo GL
BFU<3 jednoznacne :))
exe lineup:

pl orsz
pl edain
pl craken
pl endarked
pl rwz
pl maadz
Your bet: 10€ on h3^exe
Possible Win: 25 € (+15 €)

macie wygrac XDDD
Easy for h3.
Your bet: 8€ on h3^exe
Possible Win: 17 € (+9 €)

cholera ja chyba przestane być patriotą cala kase strace :D
gl "Nighthaven" :)
i bet on exe, but gl bfu :)
no nevim když vÅ¡ici říkáte exe... Ale jestli to nevyjde tak jsem zase na mizině
4:0 @ exe
ja pierdole zal .. jak obstawiam stawka na exe 5.00 a jak wygrywa exe to stawka 1.25 gg admins
call the carepolice!
so risk and bet on BFU
thx for game