Team Dignitas vs zeroPoint! Gaming (39605 views)

Grand Final
To be played at SHG Open LAN
Second grand final will, if necessary, be played immediately afterwards.
A separate entry on GTV will be added in this case.
To be played at SHG Open LAN
Second grand final will, if necessary, be played immediately afterwards.
A separate entry on GTV will be added in this case.
18.02.07 13:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | ClanBase ET EuroCup XIV | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Radar | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: smOke |
![]() Language: cz |
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![]() By: WooKasH |
![]() Language: Polish |
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![]() By: rio_ |
![]() Language: Italian |
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![]() By: EssePL |
![]() Language: English |
Total Slots: 1,150
Listener Peak: unknown
Listener Peak: unknown
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![]() By: MadMetzi (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: h3ll (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: gtv`rampage (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: X-tra (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: skooli (ettvd) |
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![]() By: rio_ (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: rio_ (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: samocerne (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: arni (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: mthd (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: GTVd | |
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![]() By: ponte (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: GTVd | |
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![]() By: taLa (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 876
Viewer Peak: 876

idle ofc ;)
i already bet on idle xD
imo zP : o )
idle ;|
Al my money on unknown!
8th comment @ EC f1naL OmfGG
tba vs idle??
easy for idle xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
easy for idle xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
tba = zP imo
idle vs aMenti ?!?
No matter who will play against idle ..... its obvious who will win - BOOOOOORING !!! :/
agree, but easy money :)
agree with St!inger
go zp
all my money on idle.
all my money on idle.
aMenti<zP!< ;|
aMenti < < zP! < Care???
aMenti < < zP! < Care???
amenti>zP!< :) but idle pwn them all...
zOMG aMenti > zP ???! i lold xDDDDDDD
zP vs.
aMenti 4:0
idle vs.
zP 4:0

aMenti vs zP - how you know the score? match havent been played yet.
i was talking about zP - aMenti
hmm ure right =D
tbh he was right :) in the end zP won with aMenti 4-0 :D
zP! ofc :)
lol, rematch?? zP! - idle??
hope zP! will make it this time
hope zP! will make it this time
supply ftw
i would be happy if idle won
i would be happy if zp/amenti could beat idle's ownage
i would be happy if zp/amenti could beat idle's ownage
Easy for
who can beat idle???
nobody :)
I bet on zP, again!
You will lose money, again!
sad but true
zp'll be enemy, zP'll be Winner !
idle is the only team that you can bet on without knowing the enemy :)
TBA will be CwG of course
CwG > idle because they are chickens with guns.
eeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssyyyyyyyyyyy bash
Very easy for Unknown 1.
easy for idle
we need

izi 4
GL zero Point ;)
GL zero Point ;)
it ll be good if someone win of idle :D GL zP
hoping that zP! will pwn idle this time.. had my money on idle but now i dont know :D
idle > zP GL Zp:]
ez bash, u know who
idle OFC
no shit! r u joking?
I still have some trust that zP can win this one :>
idle ofc
zP! ofc
again ?
40 euro for idle ofc:)
idle,like it isnt obvious >:
Idle wint btw
Idle wint btw
all money on idle ;))

you have a chance then!
potter the allrounder?
<3 idle
gl zP again !
idle ofc...
zp gogoog
this is not a final tbh :)
hf idle
hf idle
Your bet: 12⬠on idle
Possible Win: 15 ⬠(+3 â¬)
Possible Win: 15 ⬠(+3 â¬)
Your bet: 24⬠on zP!
Possible Win: 120 ⬠(+96 â¬)
dont let me down zp :<
Possible Win: 120 ⬠(+96 â¬)
dont let me down zp :<
zP ftw
imo zP!
eazy money - idle
idle will play supply again, for sure
mhmm, i hope Night's sick :p
thanks for easy money <3
why potter out?
traveling to the lan already :>
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mirko_slavko Saturday, 10th February 2007 02:39 Reply
you have a chance then!
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so nP :P for us :>
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mirko_slavko Saturday, 10th February 2007 02:39 Reply
you have a chance then!
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so nP :P for us :>
lol, that's the spirit
BTW, idle must loose bigtime - sooner or latter. Hope it will be on tuesday, it's getting rly boring.
BTW, idle must loose bigtime - sooner or latter. Hope it will be on tuesday, it's getting rly boring.
easy bash idle..
I hope zp! but i think idle is way to good this season! Probally only Cdap with a really good day can go along. 4-0 Idle.
Fanboy, cdap 75% aim 10% teamwork 10% luck 5% brain
lol cdap would have lose way faster than zP against idle.
cmon guys, zP and cdap won with idle - it was a one-time wonder. they wouldnt be able to do it again even in 5on5, and what more, if night played, idle would win all even in 5on5.
cmon guys, zP and cdap won with idle - it was a one-time wonder. they wouldnt be able to do it again even in 5on5, and what more, if night played, idle would win all even in 5on5.
idle suck at 5v5
without night, they suck. with him they are still the best in 5on5.
just think logically: idle - cdap 4:0
next day idle - cdap 0:4
guess why.
just think logically: idle - cdap 4:0
next day idle - cdap 0:4
guess why.
i played the 2nd time against idle, maybe that could be it! :P
btw, by "sucking" in this case i mean not being the best :P
Your bet: 1059⬠on idle
Possible Win: 1324 ⬠(+265 â¬)
Possible Win: 1324 ⬠(+265 â¬)
aw butchji cmon :) idle's gonna lose sometime 1.25 vs 5.00 zeroPoint! Gaming Total pot: 542848 â¬
Your bet: 250⬠on zP!
Possible Win: 1250 ⬠(+1000 â¬)
Some ppl believe in zP! dont give up i Dont wanna loose it!
Your bet: 250⬠on zP!
Possible Win: 1250 ⬠(+1000 â¬)
Some ppl believe in zP! dont give up i Dont wanna loose it!

And the austrian team plays with more germans than austrians?
its a sweedish team anyways
haha kad you biggest gay xD
oh yes 2 yermans and 3 austrians
well there is mashed ^^
it will be the most boring final of EC so far
Did you see ND vs last EC?
that was indeed a great match
lol @ last score - same again. 4-0 easy.
GL Both, the game of the year imo :}
gl dignitas
its no more idle... from now they are dignitas :DDDDDDD
it's DIGNITAS now idd xD
Dignitas ftw who can beat this guys?
Finally we've an easy bet

it's reason why dignitas > most of mgc in europe. They take only best teams, not 2 weeks shits. :U
and maybe coz they have lot of money... and not kids who make it for fun
True, and Abit and Creative as sponsors is nice :P
Your bet: 5⬠on idle
Possible win: 6â¬
easy money :DD
Possible win: 6â¬
easy money :DD
cmon.... 1035 slots? are you kidding?
ec grand final deservs 5000 slots +
gl to the Austrians!
ec grand final deservs 5000 slots +
gl to the Austrians!
Internet will shutdown if so many slots tbh
Get us those slots then :x
another defeat against and without potter and with keran = zeroChance!
i guess it will be the most boring EC final in whole et history:)
you saw nd vs idle right?
idle vs parodia?
should be a very interesting game!
gl gifty!
gl gifty!
It will be as interesting as the previous Idle vs zP : boring as hell.
gl dignitas!
i saw...but that will be even more obvious victory for idle than in last year imo.
The game will be played on sHg-LAN, so it means it's going to be great event :}
O_o That definately makes it a bit more interesting. But without their starting lineup, zeroPoint really have almost no chance.
i hope ettv will work on sHg......
it will work
where's butchji
To be played at SHG Open LAN probably
i guess no lan for butchji
i guess no lan for butchji
no butchji not even a little chance to win.
:s whitout butchji? and idle joining dignitas :o
what does the name change?
they got skill boost just because of dignitas name?
they got skill boost just because of dignitas name?
jup .
dont believe you, you clanhopper!
low- max
you got no life , do you ?
how so ?
it seems to give you a better feeling if you always can show everybody, how hard you hate me, dunno if anyone cares
why would i feel better for insulting you ? i hardly know you so cant understand how you came to that conclusion. I don't hate you at all, i just try to in courage you in my own way, as i see it everyone thinks your the dogs bollocks (pardon the expression) and tbh i think you enjoy that, so when i see you calling gg after 5 mins attacking a idle supply defense of course im going to abit harsh on you. Its nothing personal, trust me.
what do you mean by "dogs bollocks"? and you obviously got no clue about ET, so its not the best for us to discuss about that
dogs bollocks = everyone thinks your great, and statements like that show why we don't get on all that well
ET gets LAN finals!
night and co clanhoppers
rofl :P
without butchji will win with 4 player....
every radio is in their own national language, only Mashed is so retarded to cast it in english... n1 poor yermans
lol, get a clue
lol idiot
mashed is actually english and only using fdj server
mashed is actually english and only using fdj server
wonder why butchji isnt playing ;)
butchij is not going to Lan?
he has already been @ CPC :P
gl with the shoutcast benny... I will listen to you!
Poor butchji cant play the final... wondering why :(
well idle (or dignitas now) will win definately... zp without butchji... :D
never heard of dignitas,
all my money on zP !
all my money on zP !
o rly ? -.-
pls. dignitas is old idle.ET.
Yeah... dignitas ? :D
meine fresse, dieser NC und EC gehen in die traurige geschichte der nie-die-besten-zur-verfügung-stehenden-line-ups ein. fs...wird zeit, dass wir doch mal einen clan sponsern...
heul halt
du bist cool
dignitas vs zP!
i wish it was really dignitas(real dignitas) vs pardia :d
dignitas vs zP!
i wish it was really dignitas(real dignitas) vs pardia :d
oldschool dignitas ftw...
Your bet: 254252⬠on dignitas
Possible Win: 317815 ⬠(+63563 â¬)
Possible Win: 317815 ⬠(+63563 â¬)
Urtier is chubby!
what a surprise
Learn to read pls.
It is written that this match will be played @ SHG Open LAN. butchji cannot be there so he will be not able to play.
It is written that this match will be played @ SHG Open LAN. butchji cannot be there so he will be not able to play.
bet on dignitas... although i win
what is the old Dignitas line up btw ?
intact, rapture, sanctity, ankel, zenon, Pjoter, syL, Darkie
o rly ? -.-
YA RLY -_______-
easy bash for zP if keran will play
too easy for idle
no butchji at zP
no butchji at zP
why arent in zp butchji?
n1 english
English is nice, but i am asking the same question : where is butchij?
@ home
probably next to urtier :D
nice english :)
debil o ilorazie 0 wyzywajacy czlowieka z powodow genetycznych?
nawet zdania nie umiesz poprawnie napisac :x kill irl plx
<3 beny beazlaha :D
ani lo yahol leshader, ani bzafon, basa :<
errr idle is at lan in DK on 16th and plays eurocup final 17th?
EDIT: learn to read... Played at the LAN, nice :)
EDIT: learn to read... Played at the LAN, nice :)
hm it shows flag of iceland on the banner ?
where is Butchji??????????
getting drunk, I guess.
no butchji = no win :(
True! :)
butchij or not, zp gets raped :O
You aren't right, zP > idle @ LAN ktnxbb
saturday 20.00
nice time
nice time
Gl both teams ;)
gl gifty <3.
If I'm not wrong, zP! beated on lan. so did cdap-pi
but no without Butchji :/
Afaik it was to goto a LAN, and idle didn't have Night :P
Butchji > Night :) soo.....
Didn't you see their last game? Butchji didn't make a difference
Butchji did have 60-100% more damage given than the rest of his team :P
Too much one man skilled clan imo. No offence to the rest of zP
butchji cant play every class on a decent level, the same time commanding team what to do. what more, night has to speak english on vent, zP can speak yerman and thats big convinience for them, as its their primary language.
butchji is great player, but one player cant make much, unless its the "keyplayer" or "captain" or both.
butchji is great player, but one player cant make much, unless its the "keyplayer" or "captain" or both.
No, they didn`t beat idle on a LAN
Thought so.
nobody have beat idle on PGA lan, because idle wasnt at that lan :D
was isn mit butchji? warum spielt er net
EC final on saturday evening? OMG
the worst time to play this match ever
the worst time to play this match ever
gL dignitas, shame this final will be as boring as heaven :(
all money on idle
zP!!!11 imo
more slots plz !!!
idle where are thou?
idle no :D zP no :D Dignitas :D
go go zP
i love that people still call dignitas IDLE <3
you cant buy the prestige, you still need to achieve it.
Teh multigaming clan! its not the fucking dignitas mgc who won 2 EC and 2 CPC.
too bad its the only way to go to the lan: with mgc :(
Teh multigaming clan! its not the fucking dignitas mgc who won 2 EC and 2 CPC.
too bad its the only way to go to the lan: with mgc :(
hmm.. which idle is too
they paid for themselves, hi
Well yes, but I don't see your point. Both are mgcs which u96d joined.

Can't shoutcast, i'm going to vication untill saturday, hf :]
Noooo :(
Total pot: 508204 ⬠?
there is much less.. the reason is idle vs nsens.. after that there will be add about 1 million gbooks
pls dignitas :)
Well i meant,
1. idle nsens much easier money
2. ppl bet all there money on idle, after they win they bet it on idle vs zp.. there will be add much more you'll see (:
1. idle nsens much easier money
2. ppl bet all there money on idle, after they win they bet it on idle vs zp.. there will be add much more you'll see (:
i only said that there's no idle but dignitas,
why you wrote some 1. 2. stuff?
why you wrote some 1. 2. stuff?
Oh hmm thought u just cheer them:d
anyway i just explained myself better..
me good english very
anyway i just explained myself better..
me good english very
i understod everything you said and agreed with it.
dont think about yourself too bad :)
dont think about yourself too bad :)
heh ok thanks :)
go dign
idle will win this for sure ^^
btw GL zP!
btw GL zP!
hope gifty and mates will handle it... good luck zP
Dignitas / Idle - UK flag ... no one UK player
zeroPoint - SWE flag ... no one SWE player
....... this is so strange
zeroPoint - SWE flag ... no one SWE player
....... this is so strange
so true
multigaming location
thats why the flag :p
thats why the flag :p
yes mr hacking jew :)
zeroPoint has potential, but they have alot of weak points
win for dignitas
win for dignitas
EC final & LAN final same?!?
They will play EC final on lan
thats the point. both in once imo.
cool, going party
dignitas ofc
no english shoutcast for ec finals o;?
those poles
fasching halb 9 am abend
alles klar ihr nerds
alles klar ihr nerds
dignitas :)
more slots
zP ofc
Your bet: 30⬠on zP!
Possible Win: 150 ⬠(+120 â¬)
Possible Win: 150 ⬠(+120 â¬)
zP I think, there is only one team that can beat dignitas atm I think and it will happen soon, if not now, maybe next week or smth...
no one will win idle yet, impact COULD win them in some time, but not yet... they have been playing together forever... -.-
Match cancelled
1635 slots is not enough
Wanna bet it is ? :x
Dignitas ofc... :P
Is this the day?
Is this the day that zP will beat dignitas aka
Is it?
I belive so.
Gl zP and GL dignitas
or have i totally lost my mind :o ^^,
Is this the day that zP will beat dignitas aka
Is it?
I belive so.
Gl zP and GL dignitas
or have i totally lost my mind :o ^^,
and I would totaly have lost my money :D
All my money on zP!
All my money on zP!
Stop smoking that shit Oo
zP! without butchji < dignitas
zP! with butchji < dignitas
even if i bet the half of my money on idle and lose it, i will win 100 ⬠because of the shgopen. Thx for that money @ all clans there
why is this unscheduled??
wtf at this match?
im not at home at this time... wtf -.-
nice time
d. will win shgOpen and Eurocup on same day xD
LOL dignitas really wants to humiliate zP 3 times in a row?? :o :D
No offence zP, you ain't got what it takes yet, if only butchji was @ LAN now, things would be totally different
No offence zP, you ain't got what it takes yet, if only butchji was @ LAN now, things would be totally different
no they wouldnt
Palikka rights.. those it really metter?
Yes they would, zP is bursting with self-confidence and great play, so it might just make the difference ;)
Well its fucking Idle.. who can bet them?
want to hear my option about game that contain idle at 1 side?
Night potm
senji high fragger
uritter acc
reload damage
am i right? :f
anyway.. dont think that gives any fun
btw sorry for my english
want to hear my option about game that contain idle at 1 side?
Night potm
senji high fragger
uritter acc
reload damage
am i right? :f
anyway.. dont think that gives any fun
btw sorry for my english
Not only english, uritter isnt in Idle/dignitas.
And BTW nice time for a grand final, nothing better than earning gmoney while sleeping. HF zP, 3 bash in a row must be hard :p
And BTW nice time for a grand final, nothing better than earning gmoney while sleeping. HF zP, 3 bash in a row must be hard :p
Its dosent metter, someone else takes his place :x
best time for a eurocup final
this sucks bigtime
this sucks bigtime
lol at time.. stupid!
fullholds @ flag for sure
stupid they agreed to play ec final witout butchji..
zP will win
omg in 1 week 3 times zP against idle oO ... more eazy money pls .
its the old BETing trick.... are sure that idle will win
.....and the idle team will bet on ZP and they going to lose the game... the 3rd time the losers always wins..!!!
(learn for the real life...e.g. if u see the same move 3 times, the 3rd time the bad guys always wins...TRUE!!)
its the old BETing trick.... are sure that idle will win
.....and the idle team will bet on ZP and they going to lose the game... the 3rd time the losers always wins..!!!
(learn for the real life...e.g. if u see the same move 3 times, the 3rd time the bad guys always wins...TRUE!!)
but it's the exception that confirms the rule and in ET d. is that exception atm Oo it'll be 16-0
*gähn* langweilig is ja fast wie bayern all diie jahre in der bundesliga^^ easy money all on dignitas
auch mit butchji haetten sie keine chance, aber ohne... lol
cant butchji just connect to the et server?
where does it say that he has to be at the lan ?
where does it say that he has to be at the lan ?
No, because they fight on a lan server which means if you're not connected to the lan then you cant connect to the server and why should they change it just for one person :x
Because that one person > whole team. :p
Actually yes he can, we've offerred them that option.
and what was their answer
obviously "no" ?
Yea! Just use hamachi to make a virtual lan... damn
idle v zP 4:0 again
AND AGAIN...! wohooo! :)
dignitas win.... but zP --> GL ... idle must lose yet !
Total pot: 7226040 â¬
only impact-gaming got a chance vs dignitas.
but it's been a while since we heard from impact-gaming.
maybe they aren't gonna start the clan?
but it's been a while since we heard from impact-gaming.
maybe they aren't gonna start the clan?
gl dignitas
then ? butchij will play or not ?
he didn't come 2 Lan ,
welcome 2 internet ,dude
welcome 2 internet ,dude
ge still would have been able and allowed to play
this final is no lan final
its just a final of an internet cup which is played at a lan so he could simply connect to the server and play- it doesnt stand anywhere that he has to be at the lan to play THIS final
he would have been had to be at the lan to play the lan matches (sghopen official matches)
but zp didnt wanna do this
this final is no lan final
its just a final of an internet cup which is played at a lan so he could simply connect to the server and play- it doesnt stand anywhere that he has to be at the lan to play THIS final
he would have been had to be at the lan to play the lan matches (sghopen official matches)
but zp didnt wanna do this
No one can stop dignitas atm, thx for money :)
And impact is overrated atm, let's wait untiil their 1st offi
And impact is overrated atm, let's wait untiil their 1st offi
omfg stop posting plz...
no english shoutcast ? :x
Total pot: 10 471 103 â¬
No English shoutcasts? :(
Omg no English shoutcast :(
GL hf :)
score ?
wp d. roll over
Boring. :<
WP dignitas.
WP dignitas.
Total pot: 10475121 ⬠:O
Huge inflation for
Huge inflation for
thanks for diginitas :D +500€
why butchji not playing? you cant win without him, and its gay you build a team and dont finish it, rather forfeit imo then dont play without main line-up
HE DID NOT ATTEND THE LAN, SO HE COULD NOT PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with butchji 8:0 nP
Yeah I think so as well, it was a bit stupid from zP! to play without butchji.. Anyway look at the pot !
10 475 121 ⬠!!!!!!!!
10 475 121 ⬠!!!!!!!!
10 475 121 ⬠!!!!!!!!
10 475 121 ⬠!!!!!!!!
10 475 121 ⬠!!!!!!!!
10 475 121 ⬠!!!!!!!!
10 475 121 ⬠!!!!!!!!
10 475 121 ⬠!!!!!!!!
what a surprise omfg^^