energy-WAVE vs :h - Clan Poland (7648 views)

ca rockstAr
hu Nonix
ca anim
be fostrum
fr rizkk
pl fanatic
pl sw1ruz
pl ska
pl Jadol
pl hassaN
#evu.cup 6 Second League Grand Final
16.09.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #evu.cup » Matchlink
Manager: Robert (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 28257
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 38


gl rocky and noobdon
gl :h
wena wena culeao
gl wena wena
good luck RiZk and fostruM!
izi 4 rockstAr
anybody else not know anybody in that polish team?
cpl = low+max
GL CPL !!!
Gl rizkou ;DD
Hi my names anim i like to swim, please call me brandon cos im a random. HF BABE <3
Second League Grand Final
gl fos

should be a good game, gl fostrum & rockstar
polaks -___-
gl fostrum <3
gl fostrum anim rockstar <3
gl rockstar
good luck anim & fostrum <3
You have € 300 on CPL
Possible win: € 2175
couldnt be easier for anim
gl warka :P
rockstar on holiday and anim is working
GL e-wave guys!
izi e-wave
ofc izi bash nonix :D
4-0 e-wave. wp

You have € 2103 on de e-WAVE
You won € 3259.
rage much? lol
You have € 50 on pl CPL
Possible win: € 140.5

4-0 e-wave. wp

warte kazdych pieniedzy
szkoda ze nie mozesz tego wyplacic bo kolekcja jesienna juz zaprezentowana byla na fashiontv i wyczailem zajebisty garniturek do gry w ET
polaks were mad o.O
dont take that seriously, they were just joking :p

gg anyway
sw1ruz mad
You have € 1 on de e-WAVE
You won € 1.55
You have € 250 on pl CPL
You lost

j'y ai cru après le super match irc sans ettv et sans slac pour eux ! :(
guys tell me why polak mad?
coz we have your favourite zyklon and et is our lifee
they were loosing so they were mad :D
You have € 250 on de e-WAVE
You won € 387.5

new aMenti