pigs.au vs Armed and Dangerous (4279 views)

au angelus
au riCo
au DerSaidin
au shaggy
kr -_-v
nz Bishy
nz nAs
nz dontell
au xent
au shibB

Season 2, quarter finals
21.09.10 12:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CyberGamer : ET 5v5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: biggz (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 22371
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


gl a&d :)
Why do you find this funny?
cus you are the " Manager ".

Freedom of speech were i come from.
Don't they have that in australia?

Why can these two teams have there match on ettv? and when i request it.
you delete it like a fucking goof.
Please do the world a favor, when you come of age, please do not breed.

I said only finals matches get ETTV. All other matches can be considered for ETTV but I have final say so. As an example, when you challenge Team 7, Horses or some other half decent team next season I will most likely put it on ETTV.

I am of age. You ignorant dingo molesting goof.
How do you expect someone to see the "finals"
Your site does not have any brackets or anything...

Half decent?
So you admit TOG* sucks?
Cus i do remember you saying my team was going to get owned.
Maybe not in those exact words.. But you said it.
Maybe read the forum? You seemed to be able to post your match ip and password with great success there, maybe read the other forum topics too?

I didn't say anything even remotely in regards to TOG being able to beat your team or not. I think you are referring to what Rogee said;

They are called TOG aka The Older Gamers, most of their team are old enough to be your grandfather so show some respect and stop trying so hard to make yourself look good for beating a bunch of nice old geriatrics.
Alright then.

Show some respect?
Why, because they are older then me?
If they that old and still playing games and getting beat as badly as they did by my team, then they need to stop playing.
and take up chess or lawn bowling.
No because unlike a lot of kid teams like your own they are decent bunch of guys. These guys play ET for fun and have a few laughs. We don't have money competitions or lans in Australia and so this is the only reason we still play, for the sheer fun of it.

Get some sleep champ, your brain will function better with more of it.
What is the point of that picture?

Sleep. I'm ok, I have the day off tomorrow.
I can afford to take a day or two off ;)
were not communist and spax fuck up and leave biggz alone cunt
did i stutter?
i'm scared
do it for me please. fly across the ocean and try me.
bet you wouldn't make it to my front door before you got mercked.
Right, Canada thug life.
ooh. big boy beefin over the internet cus hes such a biiiig boy!

i am genuinely curious which psychological disorder you have.
it's called getatme syndrome.
Must be one of those French-Canadians. Most Canadians I've spoken to are pretty awesome. Plus, he still doesn't know how to differentiate. Heh.
american born. actually.
^^^ there's your answer :DD
spax mate neck up before i pwn u noob.....
get em spAx
SpAx LOL g33k posting on a gaming website. get a life
look at you!

you need you kangaroo jack buddies to try and gang up to talk shit.
you just a bunch of cock popin junkies.
Keep diggin spax. Sure glad i'm not banned on the forums
and that means what to me?
wtf is this shit lol
more and more aussies.
were the hell are you all coming from....
the same place u came from. mums vagina hehe
These guys are almost funny.
almost, but far from.
spax you should rename to dumb cunt.

LOL omg hahah holy shit, like fell off my chare hay. HAHAHA

or u should rhiname to SpaXtic like spastic but SpaXtic HHAHAHA
spaxtic, love it!!!
fuckin hate yanks.
Don't you guys get tired of looking like ignorant morons talking to yourselves?

sup mate?
kirark @ pigs rofl
reminds me of myself had to play only with foreign ET players almost everytime :P even MiRUKU barely plays ET and playing other games haha

so hows it going m8s

yeah but kirark has been doing this for years p:
i had done such thing for years too so :p
yo remind, do you know how I can contact Rollstone? :)
forgot japs irc address. just ask kirark
hes not replying to my PM on cf :(
/q kirark @ quakenet
nice, thank you very much :)
spAx this defines you:
Mental retardation is a generalized disorder, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors with onset before the age of 18. It has historically been defined as an Intelligence Quotient score under 70. Once focused almost entirely on cognition, the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals' functional skills in their environment.
hope it helps u cunt.
Did it take you all day to come up with that?
Fail troll.
gl adam bru
Gl Kirark!
gl adam! you cheeky darky you
cheers man, but that racism abit of an upset :P
You have € 25 on au a&d
Possible win: € 1048.75
Kirark to carry. Pigs don't want hanz to play with bad ping?
or maybe hanz doesn't want to play with an unstable high ping? ;o
he wanted to play but i didn't want him to play with that ping, even though he's probably still better then i am. hopefully it's fixed tonight and he can play. but kirark isn't a bad replacement (not sure if he can play or not though, or if he wants to play with low skillers again!) lolz
angelus: "just sit on the tank and plant mines, its how i get my kills."
gl nAs and bishy
thanks mate, should be fun games :D:D
[PedroAlonso] Lol riCo the ramBo
<m1das> im actually a good player
m1das? never heard of only know a m!das and MIDAs
all moneyz on armed and dangerous! make me happy guys!
spaz > everyone else
should be atleast 1 star rating
how happy i would have been if we had won with 42 euro odds :D:D
ya! didnt see it but looking at these odds i can guess wp armed & dangerous :>
i lost 5 moneyz :DD
Way to drop the ball a&d
i think you should read back through these comments and look at what a hypocrite you are. Just a suggestion :)

I'm not being a "hypocrite" at all, Because I didn't lose my match, I won my match ;)
I'm just being a dick, because I can ;D

Try again tomorrow kiddy.
-_-v played after all? thought he quited :d