Envoys of Heaven vs 6 angels (2550 views)

ru ingrosso
ru gtakiller
ru Crosby87
ru rzn
ru slaw
Not Announced
friendly cup of RU & UA teams' match
21.09.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: M1ghty^brother (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 742
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


info for our fans( both of them):
the teams have 3 consecutive matches in a row so this one, the last match for both eoh & banda can start a bit earlier \ later
gl russians! suka blya ingrosso goloshi gtakiller
easy for e0h :)

23.09.10 00:00 MSD
a ne zavtra? wtf?
gl e0h! <3
where the other matches of this cup, i want see them
blame 2 other captains which chose to play without tv
gl both
I told u that we were a praccing clan 2 seasons ago & now we jsut gather 2 play 1-2 offis per week. 50% of the players come to ventrilo 3-5 mins before the start of the game, my swedish friend. some of them can say whether they are avi or not 1-2 hours before the match:D!
so i see no point in posting lu like "player1 player2 3x tba"
& I don't want to post possible lineups & 2 be blamed afterwards by some nerd who lost his emoneys :)

There will be many eurocup players in 6 angels , my american friend, so bet on them.
1 doesn't equal many :\
I wish we had at least 2 but h8m3 cannot into EC bcuz he has a bad habit to sing on coms during matches.
h8m3 kupil mikrofon? Ofiget...
gl, rzn!
go own them, buddy, go own!
I am ready!
best cis rifle will own you, six ahga!
gl gta and ingrosso
bash em e0h! gl