aRachnids Blue vs Deus (5097 views)

fr CraftY
fr mad
fi niteflix
fr Kurvz
hr iNFERNo
nl Niels
fi bEEbEE
nl Wazaa
nl Sebastiaan
pl Baek
pl Lurtz
26.09.10 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup V 5v5 » Matchlink
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Masterseries (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Karsiah_te2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 9637
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


goodluck aRachnids Blue.

especially Niels,Inferno,Crafty!
Good luck guys, Have fun.
tästä tuu taas varmaan hevon vittua, nää tunkee mua luppii ilma kertomatta mulle ees koko matsist :D
niihän siinä joskus käy ;> onnea kummiski
jep samoin, saa nähä pelaanko :s
goodluck wazaa, lauwedopeshit ouwe!
fr mad
hr iNFERNo
fr kurvZ
nl Niels
fi niteflix
fr CraftY
gl pllurtzm8 :)
thanks, this one will be fast :p
GL mad
Aller gogo Mad'in :D GL groo :)
gl craftouze
GL crafty and co
You have € 20 on fr aR. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 45.8


deus u r so busted really -.- !
not your level m8
sure m8 , want a ladder match now i garante you i ll lose !!!!! just pm at my mirc nab!
only takerj and koshito are good, we have forfeit win @ gameweek 4 so we can play
gl aR

gl fr CraftY, fr Kurvz

and fu niteflix
ty low
and you are?
som1 that u don't have balls enaught to play with.
ahh the faggot cron?
nah, im just nity, tho ur faggot you 13 y/o kiddo who plays with retards such as ChAo
gl iNFERNo aka Lee aka TriZzle aka iMc
fake !! TriZzle & iMc are uk (look IPs @ yawn)
this is Croatian Inferno. The scottish were different.
GL deus 'hackers' xD :D
gl beebee and Lurtz and fu niteflix
Wow Hellblack you are so pathetic. Just fuck off.

You won one match against lows and now you are thinking that you can beat everyone.

And we are not busted, just fuck off
you mad
lurtz agree my challenge and u m8 , why u whining??? dont tell me u dont believe your team cant beat us twice LOOOOL

#4week . ladder match enough say .....
I dont get your point, you challange us although you know/say you gonna loose?
tu ingles bom, eu saber mais melhor ingles que tu
hellblack mad
opa o meu inglês pode ser mau , sim , mas pelos vistos esta dar os seus frutos relativamente ao que eu quero ...

cá para mim acho que é o teu inglês que esta meio avariado XD

deixa para la !

ok baek we will accept ! 8D
Challenged, accept on cb

Cu battlefield
Gl deus
You have € 750 on eu DEUS Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1132.5

still mad on me? whiner ^^
no im not mad :) im not longhating :p
win this game k? :P
add me back on xfire! dont remember your usernick, we will do our best ;)
gl deus
GL crafty
tay ki pr parlé de skill twa olol ?
nl eXceed instead of me
Thank god, my money is saved now :P Good luck again deus ;)
thanks, didnt know
umm, thats old and the ban is lifted already so np ;)
what? nothing is lifted, once a cheater always a cheater
i dont care what you think, the fact is that im allowed to play and there is nothing to stop me :O
Easy Company Cup V 5v5
is he suspended from playing cb matches?
okay then i do not see a problem anymore
ban him again and forfeit ! :D \o/
cmon, he is not the only one. at least he is clean now
Wazaa will deliver :D gl m8 money on you!
gl kurvz :)
gl guys
GL aR bonne chance mad
gl aR
You have € 1838 on fr aR.
You lost

special thanks goes to polish inet provider, couldnt change bets
bb money
You have € 1922 on DEUS
You won € 2556.26

i have changed my bet me :-)
gg wp
Meni vaa ihan vituiks mutta kyllä päitä tuli :s