inteRaction vs Fuzion.ET (5824 views)

cz denton
cz derek
cz milhAus
cz Rifleman
cz Green_Clon
gb reAliZe_
fi Matias
nl vanq
ee Sinnu
cz jalo
23.09.10 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXII Qualfiers
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 10806
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
nl #Gamingplanet.ET ETTVd Private Box
By: Quake90 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 65


GL Green Clone, the fr lover :D
why you always put -e in my nick mr. Cecky ? :D

all in on iR, good luck.
Because clone is a real word while clon doesnt exist :p
I like cecky :D
while sesky is fo sho real word also? :D
gl both
gl realize d:]
g jalo rifleman milhaus realize greenclon<3
divnej kurz :-o
Jalo to iR and that team becomes unstoppable :)
i hope iR wins because they aren't British and they don't have any chavs.
are you an emo? or do u just get bullied a lot :(
getting matias to win XD wp
gl green. :)

are you fucking kidding me ? Adding 4 people before offi ?

It's not a god damn mercs tournament. Clan's representatives were warned about future of using such players who would want to change clans later.
a) no such rule in CB ET EC rules
b) aint it a good thing that clans adds player and backups before the cup?
c) you havent even bothered to post new qualis newspost @ cb nor made any APL lists..
and finally d) how the fuck you know if any player is wanting to change a clan later?
If adding 4 highskillers few hours before a game doesn't smell bad for you, then lol. I've posted a newspost yesterday, no need to repeat myself with the same stuff. I don't know what will happen with any player - I've told several scenarios on a meeting with all those clans yesterday. There is no APL because there is no tournament yet, and its not us who is doing it. There won't be 2nd impact, switching 124 players during a tournament.
We also removed 3 of those players.

I told you last night, siL and vANQ cant play, and now Sinnu's family crisis. (However vANQ is here as he called in sick, meaning we only need to play with 2 of our backups).
vanq called in sick to play offi wat
idd, we only want to play with 2 of our backups :< and they only allow us 1.... Meaning we have to play with 4 guys ;d

Funny thing is, A member of Sinnu's family passed away this morning... Which is why we added the 2nd player for tonight, and homer only allows us 2 use 1 :<
I could understand that you add a player that is potentially your player for entire ec/oc cup...but adding 2 or 3 top players to your team with the clear intention of mercing only is...well, just SO LAME. I'd kick you out from the qualis immediately, cant even get why you even had so nasty idea in the first place. Even if you have problems with getting a lineup just get someone equally skilled..
I removed the 3 players who were added as emergency. However Matias is a legit backup of ours. And he is the only player out of what we added who will play.

im still wondering why homer kept invite for you since u arent stable team + u are juggling with players like clown in circus
We are very stable. Just Sinnu had a death in his family, and siL made plans to go for a meal with his GF, we only found out last night we had to play this silly cup... And vanq works thursdays (but he called in sick) - So in matter of fact, we are stable. Just today is fucked up.
go play your level and stop messing with ec
adding 4 guys in one day says enough
Deleting them is another
gl Matias! thought you quitted et tho
Only Matias changed in the LU?
HAHA, no comment
gl milo nerdiku, a jalo ty di do prdele si vypudil karla
ale no tak smudliku nikdo nikoho nevypudil:-P iR bude lip beze me:-P a ty prestan blinkat sraciciky na gtv a najdi si klan:-D
nemam pc smudlicku, ale do dvou tejdnu zase budu ownit puby snad a tentokrat i s cheatama
Was a good question actually! Since you don't play two maps, it stays as 1-1! NOW WHOS THE FOOLL?!?!
pekne derek y denton
derek i denton...
was only guessing that part :P
250 v hajzlu ale neva :)
wp denton
You have € 250 on iR
You won € 517.5

Hope it all goes well for you Sinnu.