:h - Clan Poland vs inteRaction (6154 views)

pl fanatic
pl sw1ruz
pl ska
pl Jadol
pl hassaN
cz denton
cz derek
cz milhAus
cz Rifleman
cz Green_Clon
cz cpu
26.09.10 20:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXII Qualfiers
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10308
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33


np for vihree_klooni
Green_Ondrej !:D
cheaters vs cheaters
cz inteRaction

No,just no.
cheater ;D
pls ... I never cheated, never been busted, using SLAC, played at lan etc. ... so fu, rly
Su you idiot, it's not me ... I'm not some yahoo1944@ blablabl ... so fuck off. Check the ip etc. first and then say something you piece of shit.
lol u mad ?

Yes, I'm mad, cause I'm clean and you say shit. It's the problem. So su you lowskilled bitch and dont make me funny:D
lol u mad ?
why would i be mad?
not u lol, get reply skillz ;<
gl fanatic
will be a tight game :P i will defo spec this :) my two favourite teams atm
hf green_clon
slac skilldropppers vs slac skilldropppers
Expected :PPPPPPP

You have € 15 on cz iR
You won € 48.9
diky kluci, dobre jste je dneska vsechny prejeli :)
You have € 50 on iR
You won € 163
iR EC quali? ;]
i po ec
sw1ruz maybe get normal face?

nice skilldrop with slac =DDD
looks whos talking ! ugly fag face
cpu back?
wtf oh wait

You have € 45 on iR
You won € 146.7
You have € 89 on pl :h.cpl
You lost

thank you chaplja for slac :(
You have € 1213 on :h.cpl
You lost

gj ir :P
nice one ir ;)
You have € 34 on cz iR
You won € 110.84

thx for gr8 odds
You have € 50 on iR
You won € 163

iR making me rich :P
much better than the first one !!!!!!!!!!! GG iR