elite vs suXus (7974 views)

hu CS4f1
at day_
lv dunno
hu future
pl krein
hr raptus
nl sem
ee bff
ee GraV
ee indu
ee deadeye
ee pela
ee Nitro
18.02.07 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET OpenCup 6v6 Fall 2006
Manager: indu (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Radio Commentary
de GIGA.listen (Mashed & FlyingDJ)
By: Mashed
Listen to Mashed
Language: de
us Radio iTG
By: EssePL
Listen to EssePL
Language: English

Total Slots: 5,500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #GamesTV.org ETTV server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de Business District TV 1
By: 0nk3L (ettvd)
kr gemplex.net ETTV
By: ponte (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 146


go 3L173
go suxus :>
go suxus :>
go suxus :>
n1 lineup elite
gogo CS4f1!!!!! and Future!!!!!
just one hr player left at hr elite lol ;p
elite = croatian mgc originally
go suxus :>
<3 suXus
easy for suxus
5.00 vs 1.25 . . . LOL
no matias and kentsu ? :o, gl day_
matias cant play @ OC, idiot.
ah ye i forgot.
you are Matias you fucking stupid
iha tiedoks kyl sä voisit, tuol pelaa aika moni muuki jotka pelas @ec ni ny oc:ta
esim. ?
squall pelaa oc:ta dnc kans ja sehä pelas kans @ ec
go suxus :>
Your english is A+
What about yours?
without matias and kentsu, elite = nothing

go suxus :>
suxus 4 sure
csafi and future > all
edu suxus... :P tehke 2ra ;)
gl noone
gl suxus :)
csafi > all
eazy bash for dunz0r
-=[rush@lL]=-dunno is DA BEAST!!!!!!!!!! GOGOGOGO
***killer666[lv]*** dunno my hero !!!111oneoneone
who bets on us ffs? :O ppl are pretty stupid nowadays
Kamil you will own them anyway :) you > all as rifle . FUCKING POLISH NERD
daniel stfu russian lagger :x
he is actually living in germany so...
...he is russian anyeway
he cant even speak russian imho

suxus ! gl suksud
suxus = Qla6?
eat shit
gl suxus
elite will take this 1
easy for suXus imo...
No Matias No Victory. So suXus.
gl elite, <3 CS4FI & FUTURE :) ;)
sok pénzem van rajtatok! cmon!
gl elite : O)
suXus will take this one. No matias/kentsu = loose
suXus :>
18£ on suxus
10 on suxus :>
300 on suxus
Gl o2!
easy bash for elite
2;0 for elite
Your bet: 69241€ on suXus Possible Win: 129481 € (+60240 €)

but close
close, but no cigar :)
Your bet: 5€ on suXus Lost
why elite always looks more like a mixteam than anything else :)

maybe cause elite IS a mixteam
and i thought sth are FroZZen´s mixteam and elite more like a clan :> :D
50 euri läks :/ kahju