Al-Qaida Finland vs hakuNa'eF (2900 views)

fi iowa
fi dixonn
fi Jofaa
fi JiPp0
fi mAhla
Not Announced
07.10.10 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: IOWA (Requestee)
Maps: Karsiah_te2

Total Pot: € 4975
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 1


mAhla will deliver!
gl maurice<3 evl<3 &co
gl & hf mahla :D
onnea dixonn <3
gl iowa m8
ur still playin? ;)
thx m8! ye im playing again ^^ are you?
ofc i am =) maybe we can play some wars the next days, like in the good old times ;D
or just some train-wars between our 2 teams =)
dafür müsste der herr es erstmal ins ts schaffen :D D: :D D:
aggro m8!
could you tell c2c to enter their scores from 3on3 OC? Same to you btw!
thanks m8!
c2c isnt that active on cups / leagues
they are just playin some fun wars actually but idk =/
yeah i will tell c2c ..and what same to you ?
ye we could play some pracs against ^^ come idle #sydamenasialla :)
Bad Luck, dixon!
atleast something, thanks :P
onnea dixonn <3
gl fins
GL JJPP , HEIVEN ja muut MASTODONTIT <33 luv ja
GL Jipster & Jofanator
is hakuna even alive?
hakuna matata is always alive
gl hf hakuna
hakuna is dead since 2 months tho there is a new line up