Chickens With Guns vs nAkAshi (4900 views)

replaced with a proper game
04.03.07 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
Manager: afrojack (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
cz ettv
By: jump3r (ettvd)
us CwG ETTV Server
By: Mo00mi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


omg, CwG is .................................................. ...................
lol pliz lineuP?
2nd map will be Assault
gl nAk
GL nAk !
CwG problem rofl :D
!!! go nAk go !!!
lol nakashi sucks!

CWG ftw!
ban cwg

gl nakashi
I want to shoutcast this one! ;)

lineup cz nAkAshi:

cz smOke
cz a$h!
cz shpeKje
cz naWry
cz Kuzm!c
cz mAtes
cz goooo <3 cz smoke
smOke,aShoc,shpeKje pyco! <3 =)
nAkAshi !!! delete the chickens!
Bude i shoutcast?
urcite kdyz sm0ke hraje...
Snazil jsem se byt vtipny...ale to bych musel davat za kazdou vetu smajliky, aby to kazdej pochopil
ves smOke zvladne oba :D
CwG`s Lineup

Apelse ed

Backup : Zarnig

map will be Assault/Supply
urcite zas bude sranda:
nAk vs. CwG - 0:4
- na adresu enemyho musim poznamenat, ze vetsi dementy sem nevidel :] (whinovali nad tim, ze mame spatnou verzi serveru WTF?! a celkove pristup na urovni 13 let)
to jsi sem psat nemusel
proc ne ?
mno napsat sem, ze jsme o nasem enemym rekli, ze je to parta retardovanejch exotu, i kdyz tomu nerozumi, mi prijde jako nesmysl
si to treba prelozej a zamyslej se nad sebou
hmm smoke kto sa zatupi? snad nas nechces ukratit o shoutcastovy zazitok nie?
jasne, misto toho aby hral, oslabi tym a bude shoutcastovat, great idea ;]

proste to bude bez shoutcastera nebo to bude nekdo jiny, at si to zkusi taky nekdo jinej
nAk|mAtes <3 gl nAk , but my money on cwg:)
Come shall then well bload ?
Then well bload shell when blaight !

gl nak
nejak malo slotu ne? jenom 45 zatim :( czsk ETTV dufam bude <3 gl nAk
i think even with 3o6 CwG beats nakashi XD
and? who cares? I dont, you? We play for fun and ggs...
evryone cares its ETTV there are bets kthx.
and? Virtual Euros makes you cum? please... :P
lol tnx u
nice easy for CWG
Your bet: 500€ on CwG Possible Win: 820 € (+320 €)
gl nAk :)
bet on nAk they overrun CWG with np they are more skilled!!!!!!!!!§11111111111!!!!!!!!
Who is nAkAshi? And who the f*ck is Chickens With Guns? O_o

jnbhj tell me :-D
wtf ? who are you :D
com´n, give me one of your leet comments :-)
GL Both teams>my money on NAK XD
easy for nAk !
ye.. EASY FOR NAK. my money on them!
hi random your money is save :)
:D this was for bfm :)
low vs low?
nAk are ownators in small format CwG is low+
nAk is better! GL btw. money on nAkashi!
nAk is better! GL btw. money on nAkashi!
nAk is better! GL btw. money on nAkashi!
pls stfu you kidy shit you wrote it 3 times not funy look what peoples write noone want to watch your matches so stop that bitch self promoters
ftw cwg :>
Thx fans but... :)
you can take em nAk , you gave me a strong impression this evening :)
exciting match, if it will be so close i will be happy :)
hey cwg i rly like to watch your matches, could you pls add your pcw's too ?
CwG is making me mad !

i see CwG everywhere ...
lol.. nice for u. u dont like chickens? :P
virus is <................> problem
cwg is <.............................................. ......................................> problem
imo start to shoutcast every game you play 2-3 shoutcasts at day :D
we will be glad to do that! If u like it:) NO problem... Fcking retard.. If ur mom jumps on the ground the mount everest will be equalized... BITCH
and again and again
mates <3
GL nAk ... all my money on CwG :D
gorila nechces delat shoutcast ty? :O
pliz stfu
money on cwg. but GL nAk!
gg mister haxs ;pbGuid=711ecec5
whos that? link dosnet work!
cwg has more broadcast than dtekt , vib xD

lol ^^ goodluck both :D

GL nAk, very nice players
thx but we focus on CB - so minicup no motivation coz of bad maplist and lack of organization as last year.