Hyper Gaming vs biNaRy (4319 views)

at cYA
nl Efax
it Dr. Akigi
es uniqe
es osO
es polass
es Raveman
es RussaFa
es sHEv
24.10.10 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: maelstroM (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10855
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl photo<3333333333333333333333
You have € 73 on at hYPER Cancel bet
Possible win: € 137.24
gl binary, en este seguro que no hay tan mala suerte!
gl hyper
You have € 10 on hYPER
Possible win: € 18.4

rock it on photosinthesys
gl superfox & photo :)
gl photo & binary hf!
gl hieper geeming
You have € 60 on es biNaRy Cancel bet
Possible win: € 503.4

che!! Sera per diners!

hahahaha russa!
gl binary :DD

este partido lo boy a mirar! :)
gl photoshop
gl photo gekke 12 jarige gozer!
omg photo omg ^^
gl binary
Suerte ;D
who is Dr akigi ? new random cheater ?

You have € 90 on es biNaRy Cancel bet
Possible win: € 871.2
Gl photo, uniqe and CYA m8s :PPPPPPPPPPp

and other 2 randoms
Easy for Buakaw por Pramuk

Photo is spec high <3
Photo is player low+ :9
gl binary :p
GL photo <33
gl photom8
gl to all catalans
gl plant aka photo
Gl hyper :))
Np for binary :) russa rave and company!!!
You have € 20 on biNaRy
Possible win: € 113 izi money
all my mony on hyper
gl Kevinm8
Gl cYA_<3
gl gente
xD noobs
poliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3
You have € 250 on biNaRy
You won € 1270
You have € 250 on biNaRy
You won € 1270
enhorabuena gente
never again photosynthenoob

You have € 16 on hYPER
You lost
You have € 99 on biNaRy
You won € 502.92
oLé!!! :D
You have € 10 on es biNaRy
You won € 50.8
i lost all my mony, gracias fotossintese