6 angels vs karma (5156 views)

lv Yossa
ru h8m3
ru Sal
ru MightyBro
fi Skrya
es Vivi
be wKa
es cr0m
es Z1P
es pWnerD
es asaKed
21.10.10 21:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: M1ghty^brother (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4551
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


gl 6aHga
GL karma :)
gl karma !!! viva vivi
gl karma.
gl karma
gl karma
dios mio!!!!

gogo vivi!!

gl karma!!
suerte gente!
go go karma :D
Gl fuzz hehe :D
nice maps :P

gl vivi nub
shit just noticed they choosed frostbite :D ty mate
none apart from the fact we have played that map once and not even with the new guys but np, we play for fun so won't be an e-drama :D
well ,m8 ,when i saw that u chose adler I laughed my as off :D
as some people say, lottobite & lottonest ))
1 serious mistake of 1 player & your whole team is fucked \ map is lost :DD!

well , at least it must be enjoyable for the viewers 8)
well I choose Adler as a train for OC, not that I love that map, but tbh I think both Adler and Frostbite are lotto maps. One jump backside on frostbite with a long spawn and axis are done :D
that flagcap @ supply was cool , man
& the way u palyed adler)

it was my 3rd game since june actually & with me it was more like 4.5 or 4 vs 5 :DD
yeah was a nice match but luck is never on our side lately :(
It was a close decent match, as always nice playing against you.. except for that mad teammate of yours that started insulting us for no reason :D
adler was fun, frostbite like you said.. 1 full.. and our spawn guy decided to enjoy 3 fulls so we couldn't do much more...although it was expected and supply... decent till the last defense where we made the error of going upstairs and your defense of CP was really strong, that made us loose 3/4 mins that were vital.
take care and hope we can play more.
it was h8m3's joke @ decider when he said dickHEADS just before calling a vote for cointoss :D
meaning that we choose heads & u didn't get it, looks like ))
next time don't be that kind allowing oppo to eliminate first :D
but ofc I aprreciate such an attutide when men behave themselves like real men , not some whiny bitches.

take care too man <3
my mate who saw our last year's match said karma has became stronger :)
but i see u need jsut more time to play together & u ' ll gain a decent teamplay,
it's always hard for some people to stay when they lose a lot of mathces \offis , they tend to leave instead of praccing & getting a result in few months. hope yr mates undestand that

very hard specially after loosing against my gaygroup :S btw when we have 5o5 war?
we can play like once a week man, haveing problems gathering more frequently :D
I ' ll let u know , prolly we can play only on next thu , since there will be champ league matches on tue & wed & few m8s don't want 2 miss them
Cu on the battlefield ;>
gl Vivitore <3
gl 6anda
gl wka
gl banda
You have € 250 on [6aHgA]
You won € 500

el judio :D
judas :D
jusio :{
on govorit svoemu tovarishu 4to tipa nado byt evreem 4toby stavit na vraga xD
como pa ganar asi!
You have € 40 on ru [6aHgA]
You won € 80

You have € 100 on [6aHgA]
You won € 200

thank u m'bro...
bla , ja prosto oborjalsya ot Pussymagnet (eto vudumo bul MightyCRABro ) pizdatuy STRAFE jump :DDDDDDDDDDD


strelok vorowulovskui ^^
human language please? ^^
this is russian you br0
I have mORE FUN , when speccing PussyMagnet , his strafe jump and aim looks hard :D

sry for eng
No one understands what you are writing...
who are u talking to?
why swedes, guys from the 1 of the few contries which were able to build a "western kind of comminism" ( I meant the flourishing economy )
don't have their own flags @ their gtv profiles & wear us one, the flag of the nation which for 90% consists of fat & retarted people ?:D
Cos I and blackie did post from work, then we get an american IP...

See and now I did post from home...
r u trolling me or serious :D?
working for an American based company, thats why.. American IP.

dont worry :)