eRoX-eSports vs Envoys of Heaven (4279 views)

ca SingH
pl Nooblet
fr Mr.loly
fr baki
tr r1na
mt raven
ru ingrosso
ru gtakiller
ru aLKz
ru Crosby87
ru koks
ru rzn
24.10.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Mr.SingH (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 2575
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


GL ingrosso, gta & crosby!
GL eOh!

where is slaw ??????????????????
I heard about his plans to leave Mosocw for another town.
prolly it will take some time to find a decent internet SP there
ooo nice -- outside of russia or more to the east ???

btw how are u doing ? hope everything is well and good for u ?
not abroad , just moving to another city \ town,
I am not sure is it to the east \west of Moscow :) it's better to ask gtakiller \ ingrosso

I am doing more or less ok, as u see we keep playing but just officials, it's surely better than nothing, & playing for fun is more interesting for some guys rather than praccing hard 5 days a week & still being raped by serious teams :D

U? still playing together with sanji ?
not really i am playing for team nexus multigaming but we never play officals so its more for fun --- but i also have my own team where sanji is our backup/sponsor and with this team we only play offis too not even prac once :=) -- its more for fun with old mates maybe u know some of them
team : #zeroskill
glourious town Tver
smotrel igru .. eto pizdec , za 2 minuty do kontsa ataki na bremene, kak truck povezli ,
& do planta dynamita - mediki u vas pipets otojgli

ya by takih medicov zastavil engom smg igrat v nakazanie :D
4toby ih tak je bystro & effectivno revive'vili ...togda oni poimut kak nado medami igrat
pomnu ya za eti 2 minuti ochen' mnogo raz povtoril "dolbojebi" :D
chego ty iz irc propal ?
ne mogu vibrat' dostojnij irc client
:D hf both
gl erox
gl Crosby! I'm your no.1 fan :)
<3333333333333333333 you)
and i am grangers fan nr1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gl singh
win erox or envoys? no, r1na wil win, gl :D
pidars get rolled :D
kolay gelsin
ettv dont wooooooooooooooooooooooork !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have € 191 on gb eRoX
You won € 380.09
YoooooHooooooooo!!!!! R1na is the best!!! eRox rox!!!
no slaw no win
hey fuzz did you have stop to play with tag or what ?
yes, im too low
gg :> close call for erox :>
No rznek no win.