[*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe vs Aero Gaming (7659 views)

be Player
nl spho
se slajdan
be isEN
be AL1
be Jere
be uNDEAd
nl Lun4t1C
mt Toxic
20.10.10 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 93886
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 105


go go Aero!

jere 8D!!!!!!
jere 7D!!!!!
jere 6D!!!!!
jere 5D!!!!!
gifted, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate! :)
ez for aero
toxic :l

Jere =D!
gl spho
nice to see toxic back, gl
who the fuck is this Jere person?
hf aero & player :)
Lunatic <33333333333333333333333333333333
gl slajdan :)
gl jere
come back sup3r and fast ffs!
Sup3r & AL1 !!! 8D!!
Sup3r & AL1 !!! 7D!!
Sup3r & AL1 !!! 7D!!
Sup3r & AL1 !!! 6D!!
Sup3r & AL1 !!! 8D!!
Sup3r & AL1 !!! 6D!!
Well there goes my sandwich :( fuck
lol wut ^_^
ah it got deleted but...sup3r posted probably the most disgusting picture I have ever seen in my life. whenever I blink I see the image :(
that must be really disgusting if you say that :D
Sup3r was suspended by msh100 until 27th October. Reason: Get the hell out of here - don't post stuff like that on gtv

:( thats what he gets for ruining my sandwich :ppp
You have € 12411 on eu WinFakt! Cancel bet
Possible win: € 50016.33
make me rich.
Haha total money 0.35 :DDD

You have € 36 on gb Aero.
You won € 45.72
sorry, risky betting on us :-D
gl hF
score ?
slajdan nice 180 script
gl sphowner
easy for aero
idiotic mistakes costed us a game :/ wp aero
awww don't be sad <3
idiotic mistake? like putting your team in the group of aero?
what are you refering to?
You have € 12411 on eu WinFakt!
You lost
et Today 20:30 WinFakt! eu 4.73 vs. 1.27 gb Aero Gaming 12,411 € on eu WinFakt! Lost
et 18.10 21:45 stronger than hate eu 16.88 vs. 1.06 eu EC Winners !!! 1,000 € on eu ECW. Lost
et 18.10 21:00 :h - MouseTEK gb 2.66 vs. 1.60 pl Vae Victis 400 € on gb MouseTEK Lost
et 18.10 20:30 WinFakt! eu 15.49 vs. 1.07 eu EC Winners !!! 250 € on eu WinFakt! Lost

Total Money 10.35 € Total Capital 10.35 €

et 20.10 23:00 #SoNA.et eu 10.10 vs. 1.11 es Delinqüentes 250 € on es delin Won 278€
et 20.10 22:30 WinFakt! eu 4.73 vs. 1.27 gb Aero Gaming 250 € on gb Aero. Won 318€
et 20.10 22:30 Vae Victis pl 1.04 vs. 26.44 eu Friends in Force *Red* 250 € on pl victis Won 260€
et 19.10 19:30 aToOn - xPz ee 1.33 vs. 4.01 jp Hogwards 250 € on ee aToOn Won 333€
et 18.10 23:00 :h - MouseTEK gb 2.66 vs. 1.60 pl Vae Victis 250 € on pl victis Won 400€
et 18.10 22:15 turbot fi 1.12 vs. 9.61 dk VIP-Gaming 250 € on fi turbot Won 280€
et 18.10 22:00 i dont know eu 13.51 vs. 1.08 eu Epsilon Esports 250 € on eu Epsilon Won 270€
et 17.10 22:00 Epsilon Esports eu 1.03 vs. 39.63 fr Gamerz-Connexion 4,321 € on eu Epsilon Won 4,451€
et 17.10 21:00 1stCav eSports Club pl 42.35 vs. 1.02 gb Team Dignitas 6,666 € on gb d.intel Won 6,799€
et 17.10 21:00 Rage-Gaming dk 1.08 vs. 12.91 pl blurred vision 250 € on dk RAGE Won 270€
et 14.10 23:30 Zero Empathy eu 1.02 vs. 62.98 be Wolf Crazy Killer 1,111 € on eu Zero.E Won 1,133€
et 14.10 22:00 SA Gaming eu 1.34 vs. 9.80 eu oceans6 250 € on eu Sssh Bet was cancelled
et 13.10 23:30 BestWins de 41.81 vs. 1.02 de The Outcasts 250 € on de OCW Won 255€
et 11.10 22:00 Epsilon Esports eu 1.03 vs. 35.84 eu TAG 1,234 € on eu Epsilon Won 1,271€
et 05.10 23:00 Team Dignitas gb 1.02 vs. 45.65 nl OVERLOAd 7,000 € on gb d.intel Bet was cancelled
et 05.10 22:00 Epsilon Esports eu 1.14 vs. 7.94 eu Zero Empathy 10,000 € on eu Epsilon Bet was cancelled
et 05.10 21:00 re+play fi 1.31 vs. 4.19 eu Reliably.et 50 € on fi re+play Bet was cancelled
et 05.10 20:00 certified to suck eu 1.20 vs. 6.12 pl high five 250 € on eu cts Won 300€
et 05.10 20:00 identikal norwayn kunts fi 2.79 vs. 1.56 eu Zero Empathy 50 € on eu Zero.E Won 78€
et 03.10 23:15 Susi&Strolch<3 de 1.11 vs. 9.78 de Schubkraft 250 € on de S&S<3 Won 278€
et 03.10 20:30 i dont know eu 1.05 vs. 21.12 pl 1stCav eSports Club 250 € on eu idk Won 263€
et 03.10 20:30 SPEEDLINK de 1.10 vs. 11.48 cz inteRaction 250 € on de SL Won 275€
et 03.10 20:30 Team Dignitas gb 1.02 vs. 66.14 eu TAG 5,000 € on gb d.intel Won 5,100€
et 29.09 20:00 Pornoping eu 1.02 vs. 44.92 eu GeneX 50 € on eu Pp Won 51€
et 29.09 20:00 The Outcasts de 1.06 vs. 18.87 fi Mitiih 250 € on de OCW Won 265€
its ok4y 4 meh ;D
always agree with the odds?
well the odds are like that for a reason :XD