Detonation XL vs disturb (4240 views)

nl Krato
nl Implux
nl monte
nl TeRRoR
no Domi
fr Antho
fr Provok
fr teki
fr NiaK
tr Amsiik
21.10.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Provok (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11984
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6


GL dSb ! :)
easy 4 skAldEkvAd and rest xD
Change nl Hayzee with nl Krato please =)
Izi voor de boys. :)
hehe gl detoXL
gl antho
gl implux
mijn geld op de pwners
gl dSb :p
hf DrNiaK et Provok
HF Deto , implux pwn ze <3
ça va être très dur Provok mais gl quand même :p
c'est même perdu d'avance imo :D
You have € 10 on fr dSb
You won € 65.2

wtf j'aurai dû parier plus !
You have € 100 on fr dSb
You won € 652

You have € 3 on fr dSb Cancel bet
Possible win: € 9.93

GL prauvaukeuh
gl dommel
Haha oh god, zijn ze weer! Good luck
gl detonation :>, Implux, Domi, show de stylo :p
=( Everyone got a capital except me?!?!
Gl provok toussa toussa quoi
izi 4 Provok :)
GL domi :D
gl detonation
dsb are retards
gl deto, domi gona rollllll!
easy for disturb
Gl dSb ;).
easy for klaasiej / terror
gl mannen
2-2 =(
wat doe je !!!!! ga pwnen
Zou ik graag willen maar die kanker froggies zijn gewoon neit te raken als ze crouchen.
wheres fist? and mgc? :<
4-2 dsb =) You have € 572 on dSb
Possible win: € 3729.44
You didn't lost everything so :) gl hf for next matchs
gg wp guys
wp, nice opponent !
wp, nice opponent <3 cu finals =D!
You have € 158 on dSb
You won € 1030.16

You have € 69 on fr dSb
You won € 449.88
