aToOn - xPz vs Hogwards (5207 views)

ee Ince
ee crea
ee lolita
jp Severus Snape
jp Fleur Delacour
jp Hermine Granger
Premier league, group D
19.10.10 18:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: lolita (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 18889
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


gl ghoul <3
luck&fun atoon.
nice odds :p
people refuse to do research after names :P
gl j
You have € -566.59

damn it and such nice odds! :<
haha i had -1100 ;DDDDDDDD now after many many months im back in + moeny ;D
I started from like -900 :D
not sure but i think it would be like this if someone puts score and u win money by that and match gets canceled afterwards, but you have already put your money on another game and lost money on that game
izi, You have € -566 on jp hgs
Possible win: € -4550.64

izi for atoon
You have € 40 on hgs
Possible win: € 381.2

thx in advance
they'll lose ;d
gonna be close i think :)
You have € 52 on hgs
Possible win: € 208.52

click F5 sandnigger ;D
gl hogwards<3

I trust in you Dtroll don't disappoint Delorean!
pl dialer
at potter
de Oxy
nice ruining the odds
? its not like they gonna win
we have to play ice :p
you fail to see my point dumbass
lies !
I dont like it when people are trying to fuck up odds with strange names...
sounds familiar to you and krp :o)
as far as i remember,Ince`s aim is amazing
hf lolita : ]
gl lolita, oxy & potter :)

dont listen to that guys above, like potter would play 3on3 :DDDDDDDDDDDD
he does (:
i played with him 2 days ago and he used that name (;
again, gl&fun
gl kamikaze
You have € 130 on hgs
You lost

lost 40 euro's
nerds first complaining about not being in premier league, now that they are they are getting bashed :/
You have € 7322 on ee aToOn
You won € 9738.26
