identikal norwayn kunts vs Runo<3 (3944 views)

fi Webe
fi Sungi
fi Radari
mt Killerboy
nl Coldheart
at DonMatthias
fi dTEC7
no Hexagon
gb Nips
nl Ap0c
20.10.10 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: dtect (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
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Total Pot: € 11129
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


You have € 250 on eA
Possible win: € 447.5

izi 4 ink
You have € 10 on eu eA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 75.8

aPoC do not disappoint!

hf esse hex nips

nips > radari
hex > webe
esse > coldheart
dtec7 = killerboy
tba > apoc


izi for erase :PPPP
nips > all :p gl eA niggers <3
yeah kick me out of erAse
you not playing don ? :(
i do but he always counts me out
Radari > anyone, he played this game before these guys were even born.
id be very very surprised if either of them statements were true !!
GL warmheart (thats better) :D
gl donmatthias <3 :p
wheres sungi?
gl erase + pds
fi Webe
fi Radari
fi Sungi
mt Killerboy
nl pds
hf shkar <3
gl pds <3
no esse, yes win
gl sungi, dtect and don <3
fucking adler and frostbite, got to be kidding me
whiner rofl
how is it whine when I just state the maps we played :/
whiner rofl
pds delivered
Don delivered as well!
yeah but the bad way around :(
No you rifled us pretty hard at some moments ;) wp mate :D
let's not crawl too far up eachothers ass now shall we :PPPPP
You jealous cause me and don are good friends!
nips mad now :s
I even specced it :))
gg, lotto maps but wp both
they are pretty lotto when neither teams have some sort of tax for it :/

+ they can be over in like 1 minute if you have shitty spawntimes and are a bit unlucky.

think thats why :/
Still have to admit that ink played both alder and frost far better than we did.
It was wrong to leave frostbite in, Coldheart likes cold maps :(
we had tactics for all maps :PP
I would like to believe you very many :PPPP
2v2 and 3v3 is soooooooooo different from 5v5 :P
I suck even more at those :/
Idk why others call them that, but what I would call a lotto is a map that can be won based on unlucky st, u could finish adler and fb in a min simply because axis had a st that went against them :/ but regardless both teams still played well considering
erAse I am disappointed
Why the 2? Fuck is this shit, pds?
Sungi > erase