[HESS] Clan European Team vs VPL (5144 views)

be Mido
se Kav
us Kardon
xx [flag=0]Unknown
xx [flag=0]Unknown
xx [flag=0]Unknown
ie Cadea
ie Coco
sc Bobz
sc Mouse
gb Draco
gb Payton
21.02.07 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: flms (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
bs #GamesTV.org X3Mservers.net
By: Anaconda (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 50


Go hess
A game for people who want to see Irish players who don't hack :D


Go go VPL.
HESS is not so good low -/+ maybe

GO Vpl

Kardon sucks :)!
he didnt get caught by pb for cheating
HESS | Kardon 58c0462e 8B6919C5... 2007/02/06
MBI ET PB HACK #130260 Canada (Calgary) 2007/02/20 PBBans

Gotya m8
Nice fake Bozz.

http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gameco de=ET&pbGuid=7e7476d7

Thats the guid connected to that pb kick, ip traced to Canada, too bad Kardon lives in America, New Jersey.

But cool thing you can look up a ban and then replace the guids to make it look like Kardon did it.

Anyway kardon sucks happy noobing
Yeah, Kardon sucks.

http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?nick= Bozz&pbGuid=&etproGuid=&gamecode=ET

Hf Bozz.
$20 bozz is gonna spec me during the match.
not like u cheat bozz or anything... please check these out...
http://www.yawn.be/playerWarnings.yawn?pbg uidid=369076
http://www.yawn.be/playerWarnings.ya wn?pbguidid=379587
http://www.yawn.be/playerWarni ngs.yawn?pbguidid=293608

I got fans dude :)

Its not me :-)
Ur fans play on your own server with your nick and the public server too?

http://www.yawn.be/playerDetails.yawn?pbgu idid=379587&playerid=918452
dominated. l8
Error :(

Hehe nice dude
And yes i got fans on my own public server wich one ?

1, 2, 3 ?
on public server id understand but dont try to outsmart any1 dumbass, i asked about war server

Have fun :)
bozz is too low for cheats _:DDD
gl VPL go go go!
VPL for sure, Payton will rock!
fancy doin some lineups?
Probably me, that's all you need to know baby ;D
italian ladder wtf?
lol @ bozz, pwn ze tijger!
Too bad I can't watch it, too late 4 me.
i'm shitting it
Have to watch this!
HESS from unpached??
Wondering the same :P
Uhh, fu Wesbo! try to keep me unbanned from the XonX channels for once! bastard :o)
=D I'm not banning you!
yea it is hess from unpatched :)
mä omistin kerra unpatchis
der ambos zockt noch unpatched tzaaa ;)
<3 kardon

bozz go back to your shitty server
Btw, need to adjust my betting here! Go HESS kav rules he will make it all possible!!!111oneone Payton also rules equally much they are all great I love ppl playing ETTV Wooo!!
gl VPL!
go go hess.
HESS gonna win!!
3on6 n1
my last money on VPL, go boys :D
4:0 hess
jokes on you, I bet HESS =)
fu VpL get skill
lol i owned badly
nice one hess, unpatched oldskool
ja alex und das sagst gerade du!
g2 <3 HD... failed 1 hour before match... format was only thing to fix it