Carnifex vs The Outcasts (6888 views)

gb Artstar
de boNg
ru jago
is rNz
is phyZiC
md eujen
at jaN
de Kevji
de stRay
se Tites
Premier League Group A - Match for Playoff Spot
09.11.10 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Artstar (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 38353
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 66


gl bong artstar & ocw!
gl ArtstAr,boNg,maza,rNzy,phyzic,jaN,kiwi,kevji,stRay and Tites :)
"gl both" KENSCH?!
no because this way it looks like I have more friends even though no one of em knows me
gl hf jungs!
gl Carnifex best team in ET
gl kevji & tites, this gonna be legendARY
gl bong & kevji
gl both
gl benne und tites <3
gl boys :)
no butchji ?
gl artstar & bong ;)
gl cfx ;)
won´t be played @ that time got first aid class in my school until 30 minutes after the match is supost to start..
gl tites
phyzic msg'd you a couple times already =p we can't play this date :P phyzic has some school stuff to do and bong hasn't been online today/yesterday. LION says we can play on next tuesday with NP :)

e: stray deleted his comments
gl artstar rnz bong phyzic kevji gr0ss eujen <333
Awesome match!

gl gr0ss, stray, kevji & bong :)
Or you could be fair towards gbookers and just changed the date of this match so we don't need to bet again! :o
gl gr0ss
gl gr0ss, eujen
falsches match btw
bong deleted his comment :(
no just no bongdolf :(
wad machst du um 1 noch online?
wat machst du um 8 noch online? hihi
tja, hab 24 Stunden geguckt und war danach nochmal am rechner :O)
gl gr0ss & stray
gl outcasts kevji :*, artstar
Gl rNz :PPPPP although I think you are gonna lose :DDDDDDD
gl tites!

gl ocw!
so your playoff started already :))
gl art
gl ocw, hoffe ihr gewinnt es diesmal :)
gl bong phyzic and stray :)
Winner gets all in this game, in this case a spot in the play-offs, loser will have to do with third position in the group and drops out of the cup.

Everyone should get their beer and pop-corn ready, this ought to be interesting: can Outcasts pull of something like this vs a team filled to the rim with strong players? Also Kevji vs boNg should be quite interesting, although boNg played a top game against us and Kevji didn't perform as good as he could've.

gl both teams.
trying to compare kevji with bong hahahaha
explain the funnieZ pls
idd kevjis 3000 times better :D xD
Well I've heard that boNg is better, but I'm cynical enough not to believe anything before I've seen it myself. I've seen some excellent games and some bad games from Kevji but from boNg I've (so far) seen only decent games - nothing mind-boggling. Tho in his defense, he carried you against us and played way better than what I've seen before.
thats just the way bong is, he performs excellently under pressure and is one of the best teammates i´ve had , thats probably why i´ve played with him in so many clans
gl :)

cfg müsste gut eingestellt sein ,auffälliger als bei bong kanns nich sein ;)
deine settings von dem 3o3 dürften ja reichen, oder noch ein wenig höher?
gl ocw & rNz !
hf ArtstAr, rNz & phyzic.
gl OCW, is going to be an interesting match :)
e: also gl to phyzic :P
gl gr0ss & boNg
artstar failing again?
go stray die schafft ihr jetz auch :D
You have € 510 on OCW
Possible win: € 1020
Shup you. You iz gunna roll baby <3
gl carnifex!!
gl gr0ss, stray, and phyzic
omg what a match

gg wp ;)
You have € 15 on OCW
You won € 42

finally I won and you lost :D

it was close though, we only got raped in supply.
You have € 5350 on de OCW
Possible win: € 14980

h3h3 :P gg
wp OC
JA MAN KREST MAN XD !!! ich hab beide secured !! whahahah geil xD
ja man jan man
JA MAN JAN MAN ich habs gesehn bin bei der letzten minute connected :D
wahahaha echt ? xD zu geiL....da war ne Stimmung im ts...glaubst du nicht .... ich so: JAAAAAAAAAA, JAAAAAAAA MAAAAAAAAN ICH HAB BEIDE SECURED WHAHAHAHA
haha nice :* weiter so ihr spielt gut :)
gg ocw!!

jAN: ich hab beide secured und omg omg omg fap fap fap!

edit: You have € 30 on de OCW
Possible win: € 84
You have € 15 on OCW
You won € 42

gut gut :)
if you're trying to make a joke, we haven't pracced (other than 20mins before offi) for like 3 weeks =}
we've been terrible since we stoppe dpraccing, we were praccing like 4 days a week the whole of october and didnt lose 1 prac ;p
no idea what you are trying to say, if you mean we are bad without praccing together then i agree totally :}
you lost vs us one prac.
september i think :} we had bori instead of maza and flash wasnt playing (or something like that).

in the whole time we pracced, we lost vs: codelust, epsilon, speedlink, overload, finmix (squall, olbaa, matias, iron + 5th) from memory ;d (we lost another prac some weeks ago too).

I guess that explains itself, date 11.10.2010.

I'm quite sure yolanda and fifty were you and arnar, but can't remember who was who. I'm not sure about easy, quick - was he flashdown or some merc, I don't know.

Gotta rofl at fifty's 0 exp at the end of adlernest :D
fifty was rnz (he was always going afk when we had maza in the team, coz we had to prac at the same time he was eating ^^) and flash was not playing im very sure, no idea why i thought bori was playing =]
Shame that you didn't prac for these games, I was rather confident you'd be in the play-offs. + lost 5k e-money :((((((((((((((((((
ye :} this was the most motivated season i ever had, so i only chose good friends of mine to play (flash, phyzic, rnzy) and finding maza was just awesome coz i became kinda good m8s with him 8] but problems always come, which is a shame.

flash got a job -> took bong, nice outcome coz i love him
maza couldnt play too late -> took jago, since that (or making a week or so before) we didn't really prac at all =]

i think we'd have put up a harder fight vs you, but still would've lost. we definitely would have beat these guys ;d they're just as unorganised as we were without praccing.

e: just noticed i got highest dmg in my team @ the screen omg. first time ever. (2bad phyzic was just back from the gym or it'd be an achievement ;D)


Im disappoint
at first u played since sunday allways supply + radar in your offis

next to this u started 100% with pracc tonight 1hour before. dont make me search the log

shame -.-
i restarted my router coz i couldnt find a game and i took a war vs raffou or something when i got back.

prac vs division 2/3 team who only played supply, it was a 20mins prac. im not really interested in arguing anyway, gg wp, was close but too many fuckups :}
ur team are getting worse m8 :) u shoulda beat these lot tbh.
if i could list all of the mistakes we made on supply that led us to anal rape it would be beastly. radar was just no teamplay at all and coz we dont really prac anymore we couldnt defend like we usually would ;d
atleast u didnt crush at cp yesterday :D
You have € 10 on de OCW
You won € 28

You have € 250 on de OCW
You won € 700
hehe ich setzte jetzt nur noch auf euch danke für´s geld

cfx eu 1.55
2.80 de OCW
You have € 250 on de OCW
You won € 700
et 09.11 21:30 Carnifex eu 1.55 vs. 2.80 de The Outcasts 250 € on de OCW Won 700€
et 08.11 21:30 The Outcasts de 1.47 vs. 3.13 be EDiT 250 € on de OCW Won 368€
et 31.10 21:00 SPEEDLINK de 1.04 vs. 28.33 de The Outcasts 40 € on de OCW Won 1,133€
et 19.10 21:30 Fuzion.ET eu 2.89 vs. 1.53 de The Outcasts 250 € on de OCW Won 383€
et 13.10 18:00 The Outcasts de 1.04 vs. 26.58 be IntensitY 250 € on de OCW Won 260€

gut gut jungs :)

You have € 10 on OCW
You won € 28
aus Fehlern lernt man!

cfx eu 1.55
2.80 de OCW
You have € 10 on de OCW
You won € 28

:D :D
You have € 10 on OCW
You won € 28

scheß nachmacher
You have € 100 on OCW
You won € 280
