team exitium vs darts-Team (5024 views)

md eujen
md lain
md phyzic
pl jadol
pl fanatic
pl hassaN
23.10.10 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: eujeN (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 15862
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 421


low+ vs low+
Czuje trolla =D
ofc that GL exitium :D
lain :) :*
stop changing nicks pdsm8 :XD
my name has been miraya ever since exitium -> well it was pds but never been anything else besides yuuko :P :)
team exitium where are from?
gl eujen!
gl hf both
gl hassan+jadol beach pwners :)
gl exitium
why the fuck should this be 2 stars fucking noob ext3
Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 34
Viewer Peak: 191

2 stars :)
uh 150 test clients connecting to the server?:)
gogo eujen

Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 36
Viewer Peak: 325

Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 349
Viewer Peak: 349

LOL wtf?

Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 36
Viewer Peak: 349
the darts players are making bots or something to connect 300 times. they did it in the match vs wiSe.

there was like test1, test2 all the way to like test125 connected to the ettv serv.
so gay, 3 ettv server for nerdie polak bots
eheheh next time lemme know when you attack servers

Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 35
Viewer Peak: 421
You have € 672 on eu ext3
You won € 974.4
wohooo :)
thats my orcar m8 :) <3
orvar you fag timo! <3
insider u dont know it :)
You have € 351 on eu ext3
You won € 508.95
You have € 292 on eu ext3
You won € 423.4
i hope 400+ viewers enjoyed this match :) gg
the 15 who actually specced it did enjoy ur insane 25acc. Don't know if the botspammer did
i hope 400+ viewers enjoyed this match :) gg
i hope because maus dont think :) gg
4-2 eujen