Horses vs (4490 views)

au dongo
au Witface
au reso
au Chevron
au Volta
au angelus
nz meteor
au iceman34
au shaggy
jp Kirark
kr Gaspar

Season 3, ladder match
27.10.10 13:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CyberGamer : ET 5v5 Ladder » Matchlink
Manager: biggz (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7371
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


safe bets on pigs ez money
DONGO MATE fancy some toast?
please! vegemite only thanks
gl Kirark and Remind ;D
e z 4 matt blaky
gl both
Have fun meadow & dongo
unlucky heath
gl volta
fyi to viewers. we are running an outdated version of the SLAC server add-on because we are changing server providers on the 30th of October. No time to put in a support ticket etc. Will be up to date once we move across.
the server add-on isn't forced in eu leagues anyway 0_0
we are taking a harder line :p
it's not ready yet, mostly the reason it's only forced on publics etc :p
oh well can't hurt to be the first to test it in competition!
well it's not forbidden to use it in EU comp, but it's not forced ^^ (yet!)
You have € 61 on au :@
Possible win: € 212.89

izi money
fuck i thought i was on pigz but i was on horses D:

well played pigs!
same, thought Kirark will do it and noticed that I bet on Volta noob ;D
huge mistake! :X
but you played good so I wont blame you :) btw Im still waiting on another flash movie!
haha thanks mate :p
euro flash movie maybe?
You have € 1000 on au ~,=,^
You lost

^_^ gg kirark
You have € 10 on au :@
You won € 34.9

izi money
You have € 85 on au :@
You won € 296.65

^_~ awesome
You have € 115 on au :@
You won € 401.35

Thanks ! :D
You have € 760 on ~,=,^
You lost
You have € 285 on au :@
You won € 994.65
omg Gaspar omg