team exitium vs EDiT (4629 views)

md eujen
md lain
md adeto
is freak
be zeto
be jetro
be emzii
26.10.10 22:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: eujeN (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5774
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 31


i want to bet...but on which team? ;DDD
Setz auf ext3. EDiT is nicht mehr das, was es mal war...
haha thx done...

wie immer all in!

no risk no fun höhö
lain aka playboy, ich hätt auch alles auf ext3 gesetzt :)
What did I do :( ?
nothing, I just told him that you are lain :)
GL exitium :)
hf lain ^^ :*
easy win for exitium
GL exitium!
gl eujen du noob!
enjoy your 4-0 loss ext3
[23:17] <zeto`> adeto
[23:17] <adeto> zeto`
[23:18] <zeto`> ben jij een maagd in real life?
[23:18] <adeto> ja
[23:18] <zeto`> jij verkoopt echt zo nerd talk in chat he
[23:18] <zeto`> niet te doen
[23:18] <adeto> ey zeto`
[23:18] <adeto> tis dat jou mening mij boeit
[23:18] <adeto> maar verder
[23:18] <adeto> toch bedankt voor de tip
adetom8 nerd..
:D they went mad cause of troll, i cant help that they are so serious...
gratz honey baserace rooller<3


You know I'm rolling anywhere :|
wp ext3 (ja ich hab dich gespect, eujen)
EDiT highskilled @ pb, medskilled @ slac ?
Shkar <3
edit losing streak lol