elite vs retro4u (11816 views)

hu CS4f1
at day_
lv dunno
hu future
pl krein
hr raptus
es mama
it petruu
it Asdino
it miuti
it vegeta
it LoTHaR
se NuggaN
CB OpenCup 6v6 Fall Premier League Gold Final
25.02.07 20:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET OpenCup 6v6 Fall 2006
Manager: frozz (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Radio Commentary
de HeadShot Radio Shoutcast
By: conr4d
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Language: Polish
il #Rtcw.ISR Radio by #Glikman.co.il
By: beNyy
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Language: il
xx #GIGA.Listen
By: Mashed
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Language: xx

Total Slots: 600
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
bs #GamesTV.org X3Mservers.net
By: Anaconda (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de ETTV.fr, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: skooli (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 165


la finalissima:) gl al migliore!
vege tivvibbi!
no isi tv o radio o altra roba thx
La vuoi la NGI o evito?
La vogliamo :)
Non è sicuro si giochi domenica però ;)
Ok provvedo.
Al massimo si sposta ;)
io evito di metterla e tu evita di continuare a dirlo, grazie.
retro easy :o
kentsu ftw
make my DAY_
more isi4u
Gl retro :)
gl elite!
elite easy
Easy for retro <3
NuggaN? thought he quit D:
more whine pls

retro will win 4:2 (secondo maurizio mosca ololol :D)

gg & wp
all my money on retro!

i have only 4€ :<
where is matias and kentsu :(
matias isnt able to play @ OC
gl :*
retro 4 sure :'(
wenn ich wegen dir geld verlier nafets schlägts 13 :P
ez 4 dunno
retro 4 sho foreign mudarfuckarz!!
retro ftw
NuggaN? thought he quit :/
i pay 1,000$ for CwG ban:(
i see ya.. and raise u 500$ to stfu
lvdunno ofcoz !!!
nuggan back in action after SHG? unexpected!
hard bet :<
cmon elite! gl future and CS4f1

ciao abbelli!
saluti dal vecchio zio cono!
asdino tieni alto l'onore dell'italia!

<3 <3 <3
LoTHaR rail > all
wut's now?oO
gl mama <3
retro... easy thing,,,
gogo retro
easy for Kreinz0r!
Well since the match has been forced ive tried to change the date or at least the hour
But nobody is caring cause we arent on the VIP list like other clans or persons
We arent able to play Sunday cancel this match forfeit win for elite be lucky with it
Is it for real? :O
Actually it is you will see tomorrow.
personally, i am not against reschedule tbh
Your little and childish CL is. Dunno plz help us :D you don't want the forfeit,you want a nice match like n1ce vs vib :D
Since u r insulting me I ll give u an explanation: It's not my problem you got only 6 members for this cup..or 7,whatever. Secondly, this matchweek should be over today, means we have to play today. Thirdly, monday 22CET is the only day you can play as I can see? You did the same thing to AgonyRealm when u somehow rescheduled the time after your match was forced for some day that wasn't good for u,so A+R had to play when they actually didn't want,eventhough it was forced before. Every 2nd week I have school till 20,back at home at 21 and this is in the upcoming week,so why should I do a favour to you? Also, you didn't ask for any hour change as mama said. On Tuesday and Wednesday there are CPC qualifiers and you asked me to reschedule for Thursday,while Finals should be finished till Sunday, 25th of February. There wasn't a particular day in this week also, that you could play,so we should play on THAT two days you can play? I don't like taking forfeit win in the final but we can't play next week. So better find someone and stop whining about the date.
I'm scared of frozz ;o
nah forzzen is scared
petru shut up.your fault.
it's too easy win with 3 forfeit win imho! (everto,cdap and now retro)
gratz to the champions!
funny, u cant play but u can comment on gamestv

is it our fault that this OC sux that both cdap & everto died? Yet, we beat best team there was in playoffs anyway
you didnt play against ultima-ratio dont lie!
gl kreinzor, frozz and dunno!
amo hrvat(i)
frozz is scared? anyway gl ru dunno
guid spoofer works we can play
Admins!! They're using spoofers!! Ban!!!!1111oneone
gl day@filmriss
elite imo
all on elite
Your bet: 23309€ on retro Lost
nice :>
dude... how does it come you always lose your bets?
anyway <3 elite
dunno,got new idea to always put money on our opponent,if we win, even better,if we lose atleast i got some virtual shit money :p
4:0 for elite :)
thx 4 money
i wanna thank the porco dio too for the same reasons!
I want to thanks all ppl that brought on this day unluck to italy gl hf pd
actually they played 5 games of 7
gG whine pizzaboy
i m not whining.. i m only underlining how sad it is.. this cup has gone to a clan that is like a mix clan plenty of skilled guys and changing lineup all the weeks.. ALSO IF THIS CLAN IS OF frozz that is a friend of mine.. i prefer old e^ then.

OFC you deserved it, if you WON there is a reason!!!

wp both clans
actually elite is a mix team since september : d,but about players in this OC,only future is lets say a "merc", krein is here for quite some time, csafi is in since december 2005,day march 2006, dunno june 2005...and we used future cause matias wasnt avi for OC. anyway,this OC sucked in all ways,especially in coverage & admins...and we were mixing cause noll8 took 5 our players(LOL) before EC/OC
i know m8 <3 you too :)

deserved win tbh.
ahaha, ur whine is just amusing me :D
like it's elites fault that there was just a damn long period of time between groupstage and playoff matches. well, sometimes clans die! you should better blame yourself for losing this match!