aRachnids Blue vs biNaRy (4078 views)

fr Popo
no MoeN
nl Niels
fr kurvZ
be Nickje
es osO
es zamora
es Raveman
es RussaFa
es sHEv
02.11.10 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Fall 2010 5on5 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: CraftY (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8707
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


gl binary :)

e: & moen
gg les aR chuk t'as intérêt a roxer mon cochon
gl chuck et essaie de pas trop fufu avant/pendant la war ;)
gl binary!
gl binary and Nickje

You have € 300 on es biNaRy Cancel bet
Possible win: € 339
gl hf both
match forced 22:00 :/
gl binary :)
I can't play omfg ! But GL my mates ! :)
Gl les araigné
gl CraftY & sHEv
Gl Nickje :)
Gl biNaRy !! :)
chuk il est nul :S <3
vuestros muertos
aah! This is gonna be an entertaining match :)
this wont be entertaining binary win izi..
gl ar
gl aR
Can't say it's gonna be played for sure, slac issues.

no se si se gente tiene problemas con el slac.
canceled cause cant broadcast, slac bug :/

E : reschedule to 2/11 cause opponents don't want to play without slac when slac is off
Yeah i can play the 2/11 ! <3
Hf les blues
Gl Popo & sHEv =)
Gl ........ a por todas zaMora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gl Niels
another loss for aR :S