#arachnids.et vs addicted 2 id (4504 views)

fr Toonsi
be Ouchen
cz tAmje
be GoldoraK
fi Antii
Not Announced
Keep the ladder alive

CB Ladder 5on5
03.11.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: GoldoraK (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3796
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


If Blackie play's we will looose....
Or win...
if you play like yesterday, we will loose for sure.

Din satans jävla gubbjävel
GL aR !
höh?? You have € 56 on a2id
Possible win: € 105.28
You have € 15 on se a2id Cancel bet
Possible win: € 27.9
You have € 30 on a2id
Possible win: € 69
gl dts
gl ar
GL aR red ! :)
np 4 GoldoraK :)
gl a2id
gl both
I would just like to remind everyone that today is a2id|Dimljus 54th birthday!

A fitting birthdaygift, besides the real man-doll we are getting him, would be giving him the POTM award.
aR small team?
gll a2id
gl jack
gl a2id
Got a screenshot of a2id winning the cointoss AND voting radar out if anybody needs it, what a bunch of retards arachnids are ffs...
tnx BaZ... fucking Arachnids idiots!
No problem, give me a shout if you need it even though i see the score has been entered... and to think, isnt goldarak a clownbase admin or something? kind of explains a lot if he is ;)
Yeah, he is : P
Well he is a f''''in retard, we should have played bremen, but cos fu'krak dont know the rules lotto adler was played...
Gmoney back please, that was such a ridiculous eliminate fail/abuse by aR... Lots of childish spam from both sides, but that doesn't change the elimination before that.