SPEEDLINK vs The Outcasts (4246 views)

de duKe_
de Bl4d3
de kReSti
at potter
de butchji
de kiwi
md eujen
de stRay
se Tites
SPEEDLINK Halloween challenge - Match for Bronze
30.10.10 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: SPEEDLINK Halloween challenge 2010
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6449
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33


gl both!

np 4 tites!
gl hf both
You have € 1 on OCW
Possible win: € 38.22

gl oc!
jan or butchji?
jan instead of kiwi
kiwi and butchji!

jan isnt allowed to play i heard!
wie, spielt butchji jetzt doch? kevji ist "party" machen dachte ich :o
was hat das eine mit dem anderen zu tun? :O
gl stray potter kresti (trolli:{D) eujennnn<3
gl eujen & tites & kevji
jaN not allowed funny :_D
why funny? banned players are always not allowed ^^
good decision :)
du solltest mal lieber schleuningst wieder leise sein du kleiner Bastard. Sei froh dass dir deine Eltern nen server schenken... wenn du schon keine Freunde im rl hast, dann kauf sie dir halt im inet...
Jaja du kleener frecher schlingel du.
only banned on esl :D
the rules were clear :)
hehehe :D
useless ban. He got banned by an admin that hates jan and me. That was just a matter of time when one of us 2 gets banned. And btw. Just turn on your headset and look at the demo again. U can see that he doesnt hear the guy underneath him, but the one infront of him. And btw, he doenst shoot on the guy behind the wall, no. He preshoots on the wall ending cause he wasnt visible, if he rly cheats, he would have shot on the enemy through the wall, or he would have shooted right of the wall in the hope that he runs out of his defence.
And btw. you're a retard
schenkt dir keiner beachtung? :<
Wieso er hat doch recht ;)
dürfte aber niemals von ihn kommen!
ich glaub nicht dass neuerdings 12 jährige zu entscheiden haben was ich zu sagen habe und was nicht
Meiner Meinung nach gehörst du entmündigt. Sowas wie du sollte keinerlei Rechte auf Erden besitzen
ye, could be, but that doesnt change that the rules said earlier: no ESL/CB banned players. :<
gl hf sl kiwi eujen stray tites :O)
gl both
gg xD
de butchji WTF?
guess who got a shoutout from him :) yea, me :)