In7 eSports vs synge (4118 views)

pl Pius
pl th0rdis
pl nORAs
pl despero
pl viC
be Flashy
be sile
be ecklav
be insane
be fre
nl chin0
08.11.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: piuskoxd (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5343
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6


gl vic :D
GL synge!
gl in7 : )
gl :)
gl nORAs
succes flashy, sile, nunca & ecklav
gl nORas & synge ;)
synge lineup:
be sile (c)
be fre
nl chin0
be ecklav
be nickj
gl boys :)

I hope one day I can rejoin in the rangs of the almighty and everlasting anticlimax
GL and hf In7 :) <3

gl ecklav :D
Nice try by synge, but we won't give up, sorry
try to be organised and u don't get such situations
I told you we use wildcard, you pmmed lion that we gave up this match. Nice behaviour mister
I hear our match got moved too...having some LU issues, yes?
Yes, talked with shaun, we will play on wednesday ;) Not lu issues, we just found out we got other offi @ tuesday ;)
powodzenia krzysztofff
gl despero thordis noras ;)
gl despero ;)
Dank u!

Volgend jaar zal ik in uw land, mijn vriend! :D
gl despero(mam nadzieje, że do usłyszenia, przy shoutach dla hstv), gl pius :)
gl thordianek
gl nori ;)
gl aclmx
gl nORAs
Hf Pius , despero ;)) gl nORAs ;**
gl in7
vic to straszny cham, moglby troche jezyk powstrzymac i te nieustanne kurwy. porazka.
wyluzuj troszeczke. chlopak mial dzisiaj taki a nie inny humor ;d
ja moge wyluzowac ale wizerunek Polakow idiotow sie utrwala. nad humorami powinno sie panowac.

mecz fajny :)

You have € 87 on pl In7
You won € 172.26
izi... gg