CartoOn vs Envoys of Heaven (3805 views)

nl Pandora
es CiD!
fr mArii!
it Stevji
gb Scarzy
ru aLKz
ru Crosby87
ru Ingrosso
ru slaw
ru GtaKiller
08.11.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Fall 2010 5on5 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: cid (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 7536
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl CartoOn
Maps: Not announced , this is wrong
no slaw, maps are free choice in the esl fall league. We havent spoke about maps so they are still uknown. If wanna talk about them page me at irc

later mate.
You have € 1 on ru Ingrosso Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2.98
gl CartoOn
slaw dove on his own grenade.
cid scarz mates <3
sponsored by Ukrainian colonel:
make me proud stevji
gl crosby & e0h :)
wont be played on sunday
gl atoOn
gl e0h!
hmmm, I see mainly betting on CartoOn... however e0h not a bad team.
GL CartoOn! :]
gl envoys
gogo luna :)
wont play it not here :)
eoh will win by forfeit since we cant get together to play it :D gg, gl on esl.
Forfeit loss, cancel bets. I want my money back.

edit: haha, trying to skim off the top to get money :D

cid's gbooky:
et Today 22:00 CartoOn eu 1.27 vs. 4.77 ru Envoys of Heaven 79 € on ru e0h Won 377€
ye, cancel fast. need to make bets
yeah same for me OMG