Ping Wins vs HolyShit! (2539 views)

fr Benjiii
es AnitaFANBOY
fr Momo
fr Mokojo
fr Dudinsky
de bo
ch fi$k
de Mani
de roYal
de shmoe
04.11.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: hayes (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3

Total Pot: € 912
The bets have been cancelled.

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gl for us :D
gl for us :D
gl for you :D
LOL IZI for Dud, Porto & surfeur ;)
GL DudinSKY Jack Daniels ;)
gl hs!
gl romain
no Mani no win! :D
If you play like you played in RTCW it will be easy :D
hey but it's not possible if we are able to play on that date oO, cause don't know who is avi for that night
ok we can change the date if you want
hf Ben(!!!), Rale hayes , moko, porto et sa soeur :D
gl germans
gl Mani`So`Krass NIGGGAA
hf hs
hf HS!
GL pingwins ! :)
il y a du monde que je connais par zizi mokojo momo dud benji gl