In7 eSports vs Enhanced-Gaming (4753 views)

pl Pius
pl th0rdis
pl nORAs
pl despero
pl viC
ca sHAUN
pl hitsu
nl fendah
nl squid
nl twizzt
09.11.10 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: piuskoxd (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 4527
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


its at 9 CET btw, not 10...on my cb at least :)
"Today 21:00 CET "
thats what i said ;) 9 cet is is at 22:00 on here :)
ezbash for in7
oh and LU is shaun, twizzt, fendah, hitsu & squid.
why you got benched?:O
didnt :) im at my grandparents place lols
no im on my phone, pm me here of on CF...
fendah is yerman :P
GL Tw1zZt <3333!!
yay Le Tw1zZt :>
gl enhanced!
goodluck shaun
gl canada!
gl thordis
GL Enhanced! :D
Next War: 9 Nov 21:00: In7 ??
gl obsranced

piter nolajf:D::DD:D::DDD
gl pius and twizzt :)
should be for enhanced
GL in7 <3:)
gl backstabbers
enhanced need the old line up
Lineup: Carlos, Squid, Twizzt, Scarzy and me.
gl squid low & carlos
przez ampd macie lipe ;x
bb oc :(
although we gave them some hope in our game against them :(
proud polaks with win against 2 main lu players :o
enhanced got 3 main lu players :b

but no shaun to fuck up a map, like he did against u :D
Well, we are playing twice in a week, sometimes even less and till last Sunday we were "DEAD" because of some fight between our players. So going straight to the point - losing/having hard time against us is funny.
we normally only play on Sunday 1prac/week
sile + fre of lineup, chin0 backup
foxy and stevji never play with us

what do u think, what's the most funny situation? :)
most funny? that you guys actually tried to win by forfeit :)))))))
not at all
if u like , then I'll send u the mail Ive sent to the admin :)
couldn't care less. All I've heard from lion is that you reported the noshow, not the wildcard. Says enough about you
Well, I was MAINLY talking about Enhanced behavior - acting like win against us is something special, especially when we are in such a bad shape. I'm just glad we put up a fight against them, and we managed to easily win against your team, that's all. I wish you luck in playoff's, cause I played with you and against you in the past and I never had bad fellings - till now. Too bad there are still people who take this game SO seriously, that they have to prove their point by offending others - in every possible way.
sounds like enhanced last night lol
I can tell you what sounds like Enhanced last night -> click
that translation sucks :(
and look at the replay, only 1 player is not the entire team :x
you advancing too then?