In7 eSports vs Epic #epic-eSports (4564 views)

pl Pius
pl th0rdis
pl nORAs
pl despero
pl viC
gb rAffou
fr uZEH
ru JOkE
fr b3ck
gb koop
09.11.10 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Fall 2010 5on5 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: piuskoxd (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 13917
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


gl pius
I told you we can't play it on thursday. We are avi on sunday - monday - wednesday ;)
It has been changed since yesterday :p
Anyway if you guys are available tonight we'd probably be able to play this.
gl nORAs :)
gl web :-)
izi for rAffou
GL b3ck!, if ure gonna play
gl pl power !
gl web5
gl thordis
gl in7 !
gl nubsy
Can't wait to play those guys, coolest polish oppo I ever played against :D
why is that? ;o
Pius is sexy, that's the reason why :D
gl both
Gl web5 !!
rozpadnijcie sie kurwa w koncu bo chce zapalic.
gl Raf
gl In7 :)
Nobody tell me gl.
You have € 267 on pl In7
You won € 1260.24

no problem, 25% for In7
great koop you make me loose 500 euros =(
You have € 4568 on web5
You lost
You have € 300 on pl In7
You won € 1416
wielkie dzieki xD
You have € 24 on pl In7
You won € 113.28
ze co kurwa ? :o)
otworz oczy, to nie sen proroczy :)
omfg :(
You have € 64 on web5
You lost

Good thing nORAs is happy though
ez monies