fun baserace vs Base jumpers (2841 views)

fi Sebastian
fi statti
fi kissa
gb ant1y
nl kri
fr papi
fi Blindi
eu tba
nl NoHead*
be Xaee
de znarK
nl Enigma
be Wezel
de Balu
nl Tropic
fr Dudinsky
13.11.10 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: Enigma (Generaladmin)
Maps: Baserace
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10335
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


gl papi j espere que t'ora pas faim pendant la war :DDDDD
pas compris le delire
te un vieu te senser avoir faimm a 19h =DDDDDD
am I playing :P?
GL KANKERS! <3 tropic!
xAeee !!***

HF all :)
hf xAv
hf xAv
rage more les fr :)
comment ca?
il y a 1 an c'était les rageux qui me disait sa ^^ Pourquoi sa changerait?
gl enigma, xae
Glhf xAv
Ahaha papi <3
gl nohead znark xae dudinsky enigma papi <3
izi money

You have € 20 on funbase
Possible win: € 722
good luck ant1y /!
fail at tag, you tagged tard:D
hihihii , i wasnt meant to tag i was meant to say good luck ant1y! but / got in the way somehow lolz,
anyways :P have fun my tagged brother haha
go go Papii :D
gg wp <3333
gg was fun :)
No papi no win :(

wp guys anyway!