karma vs ORDER-Gaming (3067 views)

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16.11.10 21:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: current (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2878
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
gb kArmA ETTV
By: current (none)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


would be izi 4 vivi!

but still gl karma!
sup with vivi ?
i guess the others got tired of carrying him
pls man, it was the other way around
Vem fan är Vivi?
den mest retarderade spanjoren som finns
honom vill jag ligga med
Arroz con chicharos, patacas novas
repolo de betanzos e mais cebolas
e mais cebolas, e mais cebolas

Eu queríame casare, miña nai non teño ropua
casa miña filla casa, cunha perna tapa a outra

Nunha lancha de marine, coa proa de carbalho
catro rapaces da puebla, ullallai, ullallai
roubaron un rodabalho
cartro rapaces da puebla roubaron un rodabalho

Mala chispa te coma, mala chispa te de
mala chispa te coma ulla yeah
ye hes a retarded Spaniard
gl order
gl order
suerte putis!
lycka till
gl hf räven
oooft order back in action :D GL bros!
bueh son manquisimos vereis como os reis
suerte y a darles cañita!
it's good to see vargen again, :-)
Gl gubbZ ;)
[20:55] <01ORDER`VARGICZA> we have an offi tonight
[20:56] <01ORDER`VARGICZA> unfortunatly we cant play
[20:57] <01ORDER`VARGICZA> we need to reschedule

sorry, it wont be played today
where is Vivi????????????????