Contra @ vs Animal (5656 views)

pl kAm1kAdz3
pl wassabi
pl tramal
es yAkuza
es SoNNy
es redeu
es m_
ESL Fall Cup 3on3 5th league
Loser Bracket Final
18.11.10 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Fall 2010 3on3 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: kAm1kadz3 (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4226
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


You have € 250 on pl Contra Cancel bet
Possible win: € 457.5
gogo kami :D
sie okarze czy bedzie gogo, ostatnio przegralismy z nimi 4:2, no ale wtedy ja nie gralem :P
moze sie okaze a moze nie...
o kur... ale byka walnalem xDDD
ty "tempa" sciero
kami jest z toba ze juz cie od franksow wyzywaja xDD!
od czego ?:D:D
Franks gra pod nickiem Tempa, a Tempa = low :D
o ja jebie...:D No i co?:P nie znam typka wiec nie ogarnalem troche..:D:D
100 euracos para vosotros!
cambia la bandera de redeu a polaco tambien xDD
gl Contra! :)))
gl tramal
You have € 170 on pl Contra
hf :)
You have € 561 on Contra
Possible win: € 1021.02
ez cash
wariat :D
Kamil "ViSik" Krupski mi to samo powtarza :-(
gl bN
gl kami
GL in the final
thx nice war
thx 4 war
You have € 561 on Contra
You won € 1122
spawnfail by sonny
You have € 79 on pl Contra
You won € 158

thx for war.
ping 200+ is the best !