Aero Gaming vs Giants Gaming (8500 views)

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nl Lun4t1C
nl xPERiA
lv Clown
ee frEeze
nl Zak-
sk filus
gb crumbs
CB:EC Loser Brackets Round 1
Crossfire Match Preview
22.11.10 22:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Robert (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 58147
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
gb #QuadV Stream 2
By: owzo
Listen to owzo
Language: English

Total Slots: 1,000
Listener Peak: 66

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 151


1st gl exrtcw players :D Lun4t1C & crmbs ^^
Stop loose Giants !!!!! Good luck both
stop suck
well said, gl aero huh
You have € 253 on gb Aero. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1305.48

E: gtv odds calculator seems to be broken :P
ou have € 250 on gb Aero. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 977.5
GL filuS !
GL filuS !
filus > kapaa :<
who's gonna fight for their right to party??
You have € 40 on Aero.
Possible win: € 260.4
gl giants
Good Luck AERO
edit:great another time can't watch whole match now shit times :<
You have € 1319 on Aero.
Possible win: € 8494.36

I think Ill loose my money :)
so much win :*
lets hope ^^ Got that 1319€ just by doing such bets, started with 10€ two days ago :D
You have € 750 on gb Aero.
Possible win: € 4725
You have € 50 on gb Aero.
Possible win: € 315
bb money
You have € 50 on gb Aero.
You won € 315
"Crumbling just like a R0SS' LAN performance" :P
2-0 aero
looks actually quite good for my emoney ;)
You have € 451 on es GIANTS
Possible win: € 536.69

bb money, giants buy brain
official losing streak continues.
prac winning streak?
not finishing pracs streak you mean?
I dont actually get it, what do you mean ?
you said the OFFICIAL losing streak, he asks whether your pracs were a winning spree
if 2 praccs can be considered as spree, then hell yea, pracc winning spree :D
Whatever man, still waiting an answer from drago.
Freeze you just let them to fight and sometimes win vs you its really important for this nerds what a gentleman you are :)
ggs fools
You have € 100 on gb Aero.
You won € 630

sup essah? :D
lol managerfight?
You have € 100 on gb Aero.
You won € 630
no kapaa no win
You have € 1319 on Aero.
You won € 8309.7

cant loose somehow :)
wieviel glück man haben kann :D
monster fail ---- wp Aero
giants mad :DDD
all my money nooooooo
You have € 23 on GIANTS
You lost
lol Clown noob

well played Aero :)
what the fuck
we are all broke so decided to lose a few offis which would result in higher odds in our favour so now we are all rich and I wipe my ass with 500 euro billz
Crumbs, my friend, I'm done betting on you... :p
Your team made me lost all my money on last wars !!! lol

Forget ET, go back RtCW ^^
You have € 100 on GIANTS
You lost

You have € 1411 on Aero.
You won € 8889.3

22.11 22:30Aero Gaming 6.30 vs. 1.19 Giants Gaming 411 € on Aero. Won2,589€

Total Money 2300.82 €

nice one aero ;)
You have € 6000 on es GIANTS
You lost

... : D
thnx aero !
You have € 250 on gb Aero.
You won € 1575

i trust in you :
You have € 50 on Aero.
You won € 315