Exorcists vs Detonation XL (4589 views)

cz mnewcko
cz crAsh
cz ElANiUS
nl Krato
nl imPluX
no Domi
semifinal of 4 league
21.11.10 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: wenm (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 10151
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 5


gl imPluX!
Implux ftw, gl deto :>
goed geluk negers
gl sklamak:)
deto low egoquitters :(
si ya un tank ils vont gagner :D
Mdrrrr, en meme temps, la sauce kon leur a mis sur supply apres.. lol
Egoquitters? say what?
yeah, random IRC war, u ego quitted :'(
We dont ego quit.
probably they just left and forgot to say "too low" :D
You have € all your euros on nl Master Killers (MK) Cancel bet
Possible win: € 104184
gl Deto
gl elanius bro !
krato die heb ik lang niet gezien :D
gl exo
gl implux/domi
hf exo :)
implux will fuck up, all my money on the other team : D
gl imp
gl pluxplux.

2-0 deto
grush on ettv, atm. was that 1st map?
4-0 1st supply, 2nd grush, I failed =D
you played nice, was following you on grush. :D

He and playing nice? =DDDDDDDDD KEKEKEK YOU KIDDING ME ????