liQuid brain vs Pornoping (3321 views)

pl Lubie_Placki
pl Visik
pl Ambassador
pl mawux
pl jAmaTo
in rAmbo
dk omarsen
be ceeq
fr craps
pt hellblack
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21.11.10 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Visik (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 1041
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Go GO M8`s ! PP<3
gl rambo & omar, but liquid will take it ;) h3h3 killer :P
gl Visik & Jamato !
Good lag & hax fuN :D!

izi jamato
gl PornoPing
gl pornoping x3 :)
x3 =?

what does this mean pika? looks like testicals to me.
hf Tiago;****** bash them !:)
hf w rozpierdalaniu polakow ze srednia wieku 13 lat!
GL rambo
no pika no win
gl rambo
GL hellback
gl hellback
mauwux ty jeszcze zyjesz ?:D:D::D
tak tyle, że ciągle piszczy, uważa się za Boga i chuja robi ;f
Gl soda ale znajdz kogos innego :<
gdzie ty sode widzisz?
Go Go mawux ! :D gl & hf
no rambo and omar imo?
gl jamato ;)
no rambo no win :D
rambo and omar have a liquid brain

it could be hard for us to handle this guys XD

gl my porno nab's :P
gl rAmbo :)
gl rambo
rambo and omar gone pp low/- team gg