Tagapagtanggol vs HIGHLIGH 2o2 (6046 views)

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20.11.10 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Fall 2010 2on2 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: hsfslash (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 16393
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33


nerds playing on saturdaynight -,-
First at all I had real life when I was 16-18 now I have lotx of exams so only entertaiment is ET thats why Im a "nolifer"
PHOTOSYNTHESIS Friday, 19th November 2010 16:33
nerds playing on saturdaynight -,-

Saturday - 20 November

et 22:00 Tagapaga pl vs de HIGHLIG
they prepare for party after the game, thats how real boy do it
moze sa chorzy i i tak by musieli w Domu siedziec ?
racja :D
ty nawet jak zdrowy jestes to siedzisz w domu :D
gl my LOVE slash <3 :* izi bash 4 u! ;)
Nie cwaniak po prostu od urodzenia jest chory. :)
co za nolify!
gl Abject
Kevji best rifle will dleiver in 2o2 :*
powodzenia slash :-*
only idiots posts such comments photo. who are you mister to tell them they are nerds ????
nerd writing comment on fridaynight -,-
replying is hard eh?

QuotePHOTOSYNTHESIS Friday, 19th November 2010 16:33

made the comment when i came back from work :)
Look the time your commenting here , and then whining someone plays at evening of friday , you stalk these guys on gtv midle of the night. Gg to you photo<3
maybe just came back from drinking? sometimes after i come back i go on my pc and listen some music and to see which nerds are on ventrilo.. :x

and "whining"? thats not whining, thats trying to make someone mad, but you wouldnt know because you have small brains :(
So basicly your a nerd too ? After drinking trip you turn your pc on and go ventrilo? k if thats not nolifing as you call it then be it. But then you can stop "trying" to troll these players when they are playing on satruday evening.
+ naku, he's just troll thats all
u got pwned
omg slash omg :D !
gl kevji und predi
gl hf Slash ,Random1zer ; D
Gl taga
GL taga
izi Tagapagtanggolczycy :D!
gl slash
dzieki tomek :D walczymy o final ;D
mysle ze dacie rade :P
was ne uhrzeit
ging nicht anders :P
ey bin noch im hon game :SSSSS
The reallifers (;
gl henrik & kev
nerds playing on saturday night :D
widze ze nie tylko ja w nocy sie bede dobrze bawil

score ?
schön jungs
You have € 280 on de HIGHLIG
You won € 369.6

easy money
You have € 39 on de HIGHLIG
You won € 51.48
20.11.10 23:00 EET

losers playng league match on saturday XD