Gamerz-Connexion vs head hunters (7615 views)

es magico
es Gengis
es Rad!fz
hu Nonix
es Winghaven
pl Elviss
pl fanatic
pl hassaN
pl syriusZ
pl Urnnamu
23.11.10 22:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ZOWIE ET G-Cup
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 63950
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 99


hf wing and nonix
suerte wing!
daled duro guyssssssssss!
gl Wing!
pulpety rumuna make me rich
izi 4 gZcon :).
You have € 70 on fr gZcon Cancel bet
Possible win: € 95.9

gl syr & elviss
GL gZcon ! ;)
gl biznes ;D
nonix is nice replacement you found there gl spanish boys
it will be an interesting match :)
awesome english you got there :>
he speaks english fluently
what's wrong with his english?
should be this will be an interesting match
He can still say it, it simply refers to the match that he has commented on.. It will be an interesting match is perfectly fine :)
wp nice game
wp, good goldrush attack
it was a pleasure watching u :)
hehe was fun game, really enjoyed
Syriusz ja nie wiem co sie dzieje zostales fanem zespolu bajerfull czy moze ci sie gowno z mozgiem wymieszalo? Z taka gra to do mycia bo ci kujawski na wlosach zostal.
nie gram na swoim kompie, w niedziele bedzie kara dopiero :XD
nie oszukuj! prawda jest taka ze ci sie gowno z mozgiem wymieszalo!
prawda jest taka ze masz leb jak melon. eot
a teraz mam dla ciebie zagadke jak to jest ze gdy spojrzysz w lustro to ujrzysz swojego starego?
+ 1
You have € 800 on gZcon
You won € 1008

deja perdre 1 map vs du random low polak c la honte mais alors pour nonix & winghaven ave leur enorme ego sa va etre la fete ce soir
challenge us
u're too low sorry m8

syriusz on 10/06/10, 21:26:00

razql cleanest player ever
c'est clair que tu les poutres à une main.
pire j'utilise meme pas ma main
fanatic i gdzie to 4:0? :D