Relax Multigaming vs (4698 views)

Quarter Final
28.11.10 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET SW 5on5 - OpenCup Fall 2010 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9
Viewer Peak: 9

poslady zwarte i ogien !
Idz juz kurwa sie umyj XD
jutro arabski poganiaczu wielbladow
Mag nie podniecaj sie i tak jestes low. GL moze cos narescie ugrasz, bo ile lat mozna grac z lowbobami.
i tak cie kocham xD ;* opierdolisz petarde innym razem :P
co koniu ktory lvl w lol
lol kogo wy wzieliscie xDDDDD
mag to pizda :* ale i tak go lubie :D...
GL'a'HF Wilkowski :* & l4z

:D thx:P
gl l4z :) <3
gl Abject
no szczurek = no win :(
Twe ekstremalne imponderabilia egzemplifikuja w mym ego dyrambiczna akronimicznosc w aspekcie gnostycznym.
all in on sona
joker wont play as far as i know ;/ hope we can still do it without our ingame leader :P
that would be not good :/ who is rfling then?
its a surprise :D wait and see, polaks wil get trolled
if you need me....i'm allowed to play for you
to ten slash ;> ?
.... byl juz wielokrotnie topic na ten temat i krosan wszystkie usunal... oczywiscie ze te to nie ja
usunol powiadasz
szukaj, zycze szczescia
funkcja edit ftw i durny komentarz ponizej =)
wszyscy widzieli :p
R.I.P jkr we will win this for u buddy <3 and change our tag especially for this one game. R.I.P x
may your brain rest in peace
gl slashiiiik <3 :*
<33 thanks mate
gl w1lko
x metsuu ;p
x metsuu ;p
gl wilko :)
gl w1lko
Gl mag, przeczysc komin nastepnym razem :*
i tak sona win polish nobish aha aha
unser schlüsselspieler und rifle hat sich den arm verletzt und wurde operiert... :&
wird schon
trotzdem packt ihr das ! -GL =)
W krzakach rzekl do trznadla trznadel: Mozesz mi pozyczyc szpadel? Musze nim przetrzebic chaszcze, bo w nich strasza straszne paszcze. Odrzekl na to drugi trznadel: Niepotrzebny, trznadlu, szpadel! Gdy wytrzeszczysz oczy w chaszczach, z krzykiem pierzchnie kazda, paszcza!
masz najebane we lbie jak mlody baran na wiosne w torbie xD
gl relax gaming :>
mag ile masz many?
wystarczajaco duzo zeby ci kryta jebnac za 8895792348579238758734 hp
gl sona :-) You have 150 on sona
Possible win: 298.5
Possible win: 298.5
would u be so kind and break one of his legs?
no problem :-)
gooly, jakies piwko soon? ;p
wygrywamy OC i pijemy ;p trzeba sie zgadac =D
to na swieta, karpia sie zalatwi i popite xD
i po swietowaniu :D
:( :( :(
gl sona boys <3
wp :)
sorry for the awful game but destiny didnt let us play et for weeks :<
sorry for the awful game but destiny didnt let us play et for weeks :<
yeah no prac no win afaik :< but gg
You have 150 on sona
You lost
oh guys why? :-(
You lost
oh guys why? :-(
ask your bro!
and we could play one 5on5 in the past 3 weeks :D
and we could play one 5on5 in the past 3 weeks :D
You have 131 on b2k
You won 259.38
You won 259.38
ja pierdole more pls
ja pierdole more pls
no prosze ;]
omfg ;D
good timing for breaking my elbow :P to bad i couldn't play :< going to watch replay (who will riffle lol) :P
JKR! man i missed so soo much made me sad+