DRAAKJES vs GAK (4718 views)

nl Kri
nl mArk
nl pprzi
be Nickje
be Goku
nl crAcker

Erdenberg_b2 showmatch

29.11.10 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: sani (Requestee)
Maps: Erdenberg_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7342
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


nl Kri
nl mArk
nl pprzi

edit: no betting?
Request not accepted by an admin yet
there must be a server first.
DRAAKJES colt only?
Easy win
gl ccracker :)
easy win GAK ofc :D, als draakjes verliezen dan ga ik lachen

e:im the one who they call crAcker, fear me! >:D
gl GAK <3
lekker boys, gaat goed zo
easy for pprzi :(
gl GAK you will need it
gl kut cracker & Kri :D:D
HF erdenberg map nice map is nice :)
goku too low :D
Cold hands me having :(
ahah finished wordt zoiezo kkr hard gehard door draakjes :DDD
als fanboy, heb je vast gekeken, viel nog best mee toch ?
hahaah nee sorry ik wist al wie zou gaan winnen, dan is het niet leuk om te kijken.

nice hoor 8-0

je bent wel goed
lol im gonna pub now never palyd this map:d
Cracker ur playing with goku?
yea :D, got a problem bruv ?
you should find something better tho
Why so much hate
yea hurpadurp :D
GAK stable, active fun to play with, thats all you need to make a performing team!
tacts and teamplay will follow that so, for a first war we didnt even do that bad imo, (against Draakjes) Zhey aimazing!
6-0 <3
8 sletje
volgens mij

edit: 6 idd
:d kwou net zeggen weet niet welke match jij hebt gespeelt ;)
Erdenberg_b2 showmatch 3on3 ohh plzzz
gimme a 5on5 showmatch!
there has been one between a bF mix and a mix of highskilled players
(was first beta version of the map though)
I believed in you ..
You have € 20 on GAK
You lost