Relax Multigaming vs Frogs of War (7351 views)

pl l4z
pl abject
pl w1lko
pl slash
pl mag
pl boobje
pl riseye
pl Bl4nko
pl michat
pl btw
05.12.10 21:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth relax{mag 101 kills
Killing Spree f. BTW.>:D 12 frags without being killed
Accountant relax{mag 119% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! relax{l4z 30 gibs
...and stay dead! relax{l4z 43% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning relax{mag 101 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! f. b a r r a n 40 SPAM kills
Fragstealer relax{mag 148 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! f. boObje_ 254 damage per frag
What objective? relax{mag 565 XP
Red Shirt f. boObje_ 107 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? f. Bl4nko 13 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore f. michat:| 188 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut relax{mag 6 team kills
Gingerbread man relax{Abject 29 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
relax{l4z #b2k.et73373709530132111895100096330/014/922/5736/1217010436
relax{w1lko #b2k.et56343581049022610926139374601/06/1044/599/11188134412
relax{mag #b2k.et1195651018519062014202122505580/03/9101/473/111411441011
relax{slash #b2k.et98478788010062214880140145660/05/1176/423/919117567
relax{Abject #b2k.et67440669918042912000120943630/011/1351/526/8182122511
f. Bl4nko4137043103813159417126464860/01/440/684/16219122313
f. boObje_483465210711141311644136474410/03/747/726/17224126312
f. b a r r a n11239591811403171147782223540/032/1219/5240/612610267
f. BTW.>:D95529828618031513172140403010/05/878/592/61611631210
f. michat:|106540767129151213792133705740/111/870/400/1318118655
f. 7621803444488031872595026192521560/152/8254/4052/1318214069
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
relax{l4z #b2k.et789918236012301724741230/08/21/179/3K/KKDDDDKDKDDKKDDKKKDKDKDKDKDKXDDDKDKK/DDTD
relax{w1lko #b2k.et3669822300222122762180/00/35/123/5DKDKDDKKDD/DDKD/DDKDDKDDKDDDDXD
relax{mag #b2k.et105122181780042722255300/01/116/71/6/KK/DKDKKKKD/KDDDKXDKK/KKKDKKDKDKDDD
relax{slash #b2k.et126109241930043663314500/01/323/100/2KDDKDKKKKDKDKK/DKKDKDDKKKKDDKDK/D/KKDKK/KKD
relax{Abject #b2k.et50849184023210029501480/00/411/70/4/DD/KKDDK/KDDDTKDKDTDKKDKDDDD
f. Bl4nko2884621200317272399180/00/14/122/5KDD/DDD/DDDD/DKDDKDDKDKDDKD
f. boObje_33718245015195232301830/00/38/121/5DDD/D/DDDD//KDKDDKD/DKDXDKDKKDDTDK
f. b a r r a n1641532817900340121933560/010/40/1118/1KDKKKKKKDKKDDKXKKK/DKKDKKKDKKDDDKK/DDKKKD/DKKKX
f. BTW.>:D1261532419901636353279840/01/024/120/1DK//KK//DDKK/DDKKKKDKDK/KDKKKDKTDKDKDKKKKKKD
f. michat:|12011918158112255828732040/02/217/90/2KDK/SDKKTDKKD/DDKDKKKKDKDDKKKDKDKKD
f. 94580849633131913884137145450/013/1053/5621/14

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
relax{l4z #b2k.et31396192028116018412740/03/10/65/2D/T//KDKDDD/D//KK/DDKDDK/DT
relax{w1lko #b2k.et2633623100518233022360/00/46/130/0DKDDKDKDDD/KK///KDDD/DDDDDDDD
relax{mag #b2k.et100911616200423852463940/00/316/90/1/KKDXKDKDKKDKKD//KDDKK/DKDKDKDKKD
relax{slash #b2k.et5252917201724832810750/00/210/70/2DD/KKDDDKDK/KD/D/K/K/TK/DKXD
relax{Abject #b2k.et73771115100414801694540/00/310/91/0KDDDKDDKKKKK//K/DDDKK/KXDDD
f. Bl4nko4071615210416042080520/00/05/90/2KD/KKK/DDDDD/DSDKD/DXK
f. boObje_4757919100328212067180/00/09/150/2KDD/DD/KDDKXDDKDKKK/KDDKDDDDD
f. b a r r a n924812131014176213231860/08/10/83/1/KK/DDKDTKKD/KDKDXDDKDKKK/K
f. BTW.>:D13311816125024255920591090/01/116/71/0K/KDKKDKDKDKDDK/TK/KD/TKKKKKKD
f. michat:|237130198601330841802960/04/116/50/0/KKDKKK/KK/DKDKKKDKKKXKKKKTDK
f. 11042462671514181183093314610/013/346/444/5
Player Summary for karsiah_te2
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
relax{l4z #b2k.et6234582001753124000/00/15/60/0DD/KKDKKDDDDK
relax{w1lko #b2k.et80348100002101899700/03/01/64/1DK//DKKKKDDKDDKDKD
relax{mag #b2k.et14251107000115881309900/01/09/40/2KDKKK/DKDKKDKKDDK
relax{slash #b2k.et37353800011000139600/01/02/50/2D/DDKDDKDKD
relax{Abject #b2k.et504761210041162135000/00/16/50/2DDKD///KDDDKD/KDKK
f. Bl4nko1004188001311348981690/01/17/41/0KKD/DKKTDD/K/KKDK
f. boObje_5435611300311791006580/00/14/62/1/KDDDKDDK/KD/KDKD
f. b a r r a n873878100314891187580/00/02/54/0KKK/KD/KDDKDK/D
f. BTW.>:D8050810100213671407360/01/16/61/1DDKKDDKDKKKD/KK/DD
f. michat:|1163076500011231023720/00/27/20/3KKDDKKDXKKDDKD
f. 871943643100111629255213930/02/526/238/5

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
relax{l4z #b2k.et7543912300520689991130/00/14/65/1K/KXDKK/KK/KDD/DDKKD/D
relax{w1lko #b2k.et7239811101412481440241/00/18/70/0DDT/DDK/DKX/KKDKK/KKD
relax{mag #b2k.et2425517710151648511410/01/117/10/0KKK/KKK/KK/KK/DDKTKKK/KKK
relax{slash #b2k.et854567000415451137180/01/35/10/0DKK/K/K/K/DKDX
relax{Abject #b2k.et2126517830122335886590/011/11/55/0KK/KKDKDK/KKKKDKDKKDKDKKTK
f. Bl4nko402741010006991718180/00/24/80/0DKDDDDKXDDDKDKD
f. boObje_351451401107702207350/00/06/110/2DDDKDSDDTDKKDKDDDDDK
f. b a r r a n502861200001288138900/05/30/81/2KKDDDDDDXKDDKKDKDDD
f. BTW.>:D50286120000880178100/00/56/50/2DKDDDKDDKDDDKKKDDD
f. michat:|3648411101113361749170/11/24/30/4DDDDKDKDKDTDDKD/
f. 421452559212149738844700/16/1220/351/10
Player Summary for bremen_b3
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
relax{l4z #b2k.et1006717171000122171899870/03/32/1412/0KDKKK/DKDKDDDDKDKDKDKDKDKKKDDKDKDKX
relax{w1lko #b2k.et50829182006188532561560/00/19/120/0DK/X/KD/D/DKDDDDDKDKD/K/KDKK
relax{mag #b2k.et478011233034230629431790/00/214/150/2K/KDK/TKDD/DDDDDDDDKDDTKDKKD/KKDDDKTD
relax{slash #b2k.et1068517163013283432371480/01/017/120/2DK//KKKDKKDTDDDDDDDKKKDKKXKKKKDD/KK
relax{Abject #b2k.et2569624500615292413520/00/06/180/1D/KDD/DXDKKDDDDD/D/D/DKDDK/KDDD
f. Bl4nko4488818101323061984540/00/09/100/6DDD/DDDKDD/KDKKDK/KDDKDKDXTD
f. boObje_10510720192020306222861470/03/116/143/4DDDDKKKDKDKKDDDKKKDTKKDKDKDKKDDKDDKTKKDKD
f. b a r r a n1211281714300529262390540/01/313/63/2K/KD/KDKKK/KK/KKKXKKDKKD/DDKKDXDD
f. BTW.>:D211122199200224681629540/01/118/70/0K/DKDK/KKKKKKKKKKKKDDKDDKKKDX
f. michat:|1071151413401329862482930/02/013/90/1KK/DDDKKKKK/KKKKDDD/DKDDKTDK
f. 118560787312041313748107714020/07/569/466/13

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
relax{l4z #b2k.et93911516710426801556360/00/110/85/6DKK/K/KKDDXKKDKKKDKKXDDXDKDDD/SK/KX
relax{w1lko #b2k.et958619202017274024602260/03/115/92/5K//D/DXDKKDDKDKDKKKDDDTKK/KK/DKKKDXK/KK/DK
relax{mag #b2k.et19316629155022355324711540/00/229/112/0KDKDDD/DKDKDTKKKKKKKKKKKDKKKDDKKKDKK/KKDKKTKDK
relax{slash #b2k.et14615219132043335522893250/01/319/73/1DDKKK/KKKDDTKKKKTKKKDKDKDT/KDK/DDTKXK
relax{Abject #b2k.et779817224011033942801500/00/417/80/1KDKD/DDKD/K/KK/K/KK///KDXTDDKDDKK/KDKDK/K
f. Bl4nko355911312012194735671750/00/011/251/3K/KKDDDDD/DDDKDDDDDDDDDDKDKKDDDKKDDTDDDKDKD
f. boObje_206242000021860285100/00/24/140/3DDKDKD/DDDKDDD/DDDXDKDDDD
f. b a r r a n1230211700220000/08/14/1411/0KDKKDKKKK/DDKKDKDDKKDKKDKXK/KKKDDTTKDKDD
f. BTW.>:D3758924100122633885180/01/08/220/2KKDDKDKDKK/KDDDDDDDDDKDDDDKDDXDDDD
f. michat:|77981418501327053441920/02/113/120/3DKD/KDK/DDKDDKDK/KDKKDTKDKXDDKKDKD
f. 5827759110804108775137442850/011/440/8712/11

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
relax{l4z [Warmup]: ³²¹Rèády
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: start when ready ;)
[OC]Mars [Countdown]: gl hf both
f. michat:| [Countdown]: gl & hf
[14:43]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[13:51]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[13:48]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[13:43]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[13:30]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[13:26]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[12:48]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[OC]Mars [12:10]: pozdro szczurek
[11:33]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[11:07]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[10:50]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:01]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[9:49]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[9:16]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[8:57]: The Crane Controls have been destroyed.
[5:00]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[4:58]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[4:45]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[3:13]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 11:47
[OC]Mars [Intermission]: gg
f. boObje_ [Warmup]: ready !
relax{l4z [Warmup]: ³²¹Rèády
f. BTW.>:D [Countdown]: Regards to kvazz, M3RC, koosik, kdz, matec, zrk, rydzykkkkkkkk
f. BTW.>:D [Countdown]: +koosik :D
[OC]Mars [11:45]: gl hf both
[8:09]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[8:07]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:25]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[7:13]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[7:01]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[5:52]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[5:43]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[5:21]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[4:41]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
[3:19]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[3:14]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[3:14]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[3:13]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
f. michat:| [3:13]: lol?
relax{l4z [3:13]: BUG KURWA
relax{slash [3:13]: 999
relax{l4z [3:13]: JA PIERDOLE
f. Bl4nko [3:13]: w/o:)
relax{w1lko [3:13]: 99
relax{Abject [3:13]: o ja pierdole
relax{w1lko [3:13]: 999
relax{l4z [3:13]: co za zjeby
[3:13]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
[OC]Mars [3:13]: forfeit map for frogs
f. BTW.>:D [3:13]: :)
relax{l4z [3:13]: hahah?
f. boObje_ [3:13]: :D
f. michat:| [3:13]: np
relax{w1lko [3:13]: przeciez mozna
relax{l4z [3:13]: kurwa mial 999
relax{l4z [3:13]: ;\
[3:13]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
relax{w1lko [3:13]: zaladowac 10 sekund
relax{w1lko [3:13]: wiecej
[OC]Mars [3:13]: 999 mial wczesniej
relax{w1lko [3:13]: znaczy mniej
relax{Abject [3:13]: LOL
relax{w1lko [3:13]: nam
[OC]Mars [3:13]: przed waszym kreceniem crane'a
relax{Abject [3:13]: Mam nadal...
[3:13]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
relax{slash [3:13]: -_-
relax{Abject [3:13]: to mysmy skrecili craina?
relax{l4z [3:13]: smieszny jestes
relax{l4z [3:13]: padnie adminie
relax{l4z [3:13]: ;d
[3:13]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
[OC]Mars [3:13]: nie jestem adminem
relax{mag [3:13]: 999 lag
relax{w1lko [3:13]: 10 sekund
relax{w1lko [3:13]: mniej
relax{w1lko [3:13]: i tyle
relax{mag [3:13]: zaladujemy 15s mniejszy czas
[3:13]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
relax{l4z [3:13]: slash dal pause nie wiedzal ze kreina robie
[OC]Mars [3:13]: frogs?
relax{l4z [3:13]: pisze do liona
[3:13]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
relax{mag [3:13]: Pozdro dla mientuska, kamyka, solara, howhaiya i reszte misiaczkow :*
relax{Abject [3:13]: nadal mam 200 ping
relax{mag [3:13]: xD
relax{Abject [3:13]: nie wiem co sie dzieje
[3:13]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
[OC]Mars [3:13]: jeszcze raz mowie, forfeit map dla frogs
[3:13]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
relax{l4z [3:13]: a nie mozna dodac 20 sec?
relax{l4z [3:13]: lol?
relax{mag [3:13]: ja pierdole :/
relax{mag [3:13]: 999 bylo
relax{l4z [3:13]: huj on nie jest adminem
relax{l4z [3:13]: ;x
[3:13]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
relax{l4z [3:13]: XDDDDDDDDD
relax{mag [3:13]: xD
[OC]Mars [3:13]: jestem refem tego meczu, moje slowo sie tu liczy
[3:13]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
relax{w1lko [3:13]: no dobra
[3:13]: Match resuming in 60 seconds!
[OC]Mars [3:13]: Liona nie ma, masz jakies zazalenia, pisz do Homera
[3:13]: Match resuming in 45 seconds!
f. michat:| [3:13]: jakby nie bylo admina to bysmy sie zgodzili a tak to lipa
[3:13]: Match resuming in 30 seconds!
f. Bl4nko [3:13]: admin nasz pan
relax{w1lko [3:13]: no daj czas inny
relax{w1lko [3:13]: masz problem kuwra 10 sekund
relax{slash [3:13]: NAPEWNO TO specjalnie zrobilismy
relax{Abject [3:13]: na pewno
[3:13]: Match resuming in 15 seconds!
relax{Abject [3:13]: dobra
relax{l4z [3:13]: na pewno
relax{w1lko [3:13]: zaladuj czas 10 sekund mniejszy i chuj
relax{Abject [3:13]: chamsko jest i chuj
[3:13]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
relax{Abject [3:13]: mialem laga oni dali pauze
[3:13]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[3:13]: FIGHT!
[3:13]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
relax{l4z [3:13]: kazdy admin tera pewnie oglada dignitas vs cos tam
[3:13]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
f. boObje_ [3:13]: tlr !
f. Bl4nko [3:13]: pozdro szczurek !!
[3:13]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[OC]Mars [3:13]: frogs, forfeit map, czy czas na 3:23?
f. Bl4nko [3:13]: 3:23:D?
[3:13]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
relax{slash [3:13]: to jest polfinal jezu ... nie dalem tego specjalnie
relax{l4z [3:12]: xD
f. boObje_ [3:13]: raczej 3:03
relax{w1lko [3:13]: chyba 3:03
[OC]Mars [3:12]: xD!
[OC]Mars [3:13]: yup, sorry
f. boObje_ [3:13]: 3:00 albo nie gramy !
[3:13]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
relax{slash [3:13]: dobra
relax{w1lko [3:12]: moze byc
[3:13]: relax{l4z #b2k.etcalled a vote.
[3:13]: Vote passed!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (3:00)
f. Bl4nko [Intermission]: :D:D:D
f. boObje_ [Intermission]: xdddddddddddddddd
f. michat:| [Intermission]: lol?
[Intermission]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
[OC]Mars [Intermission]: gratulacje
f. BTW.>:D [Intermission]: :XDDDDDDDDDD
relax{slash [Intermission]: co za debil
f. boObje_ [Intermission]: DOBRY
relax{w1lko [Intermission]: :D
[OC]Mars [Intermission]: timelimit 3
f. michat:| [Intermission]: dobry
f. Bl4nko [Intermission]: admin ESL !!
relax{l4z [Warmup]: to bylo ustawione i huj ze slash da pause a ja callvote
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: wole snickersy, wiec np
relax{mag [Warmup]: /net_port 24
relax{l4z [Warmup]: spoko
relax{mag [Warmup]: /net_restart
relax{mag [Warmup]: niech wpisze
f. boObje_ [Warmup]: wpisal
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: port 0
relax{w1lko [Warmup]: co to ma byc
relax{w1lko [Warmup]: 15 minut czekamy na was i teaz znowu
relax{mag [Warmup]: mars ile jeszcze tego czekania?
relax{mag [Warmup]: 15min na starcie
relax{mag [Warmup]: i teraz
relax{mag [Warmup]: mars
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: ?
relax{mag [Warmup]: ile jeszcze?
relax{mag [Warmup]: chy
relax{mag [Warmup]: chyba za duzo tego postoju
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: spieszy ci sie gdzies?
f. Bl4nko [Warmup]: idzie
relax{mag [Warmup]: spieszy
relax{mag [Warmup]: 2 kolosy mam jutro
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: aha
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: i jak frogsy?
f. michat:| [Warmup]: caly czas ma to samo
relax{w1lko [Warmup]: pech
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: jakies zastepstwo?
f. Bl4nko [Warmup]: port serwera jest z dupy
relax{slash [Warmup]: SERVER JEST zjebany kurwa 0 gwiazdek na polfinal
relax{w1lko [Warmup]: :D
relax{slash [Warmup]: abject 250 ping
f. boObje_ [Warmup]: zaraz jeszcze cos sproboje jak nie uda sie to wejdzie dzordzo
f. michat:| [Warmup]: ju
f. boObje_ [Warmup]: a jednak macie szczescie ze nie ma dzordza :)
relax{Abject [Warmup]: Zajebiste szczescie z moim pingiem
relax{l4z [Warmup]: ³²¹Rèády
relax{l4z [Warmup]: gg
relax{slash [Countdown]: MARS?
f. Bl4nko [Countdown]: gl
f. michat:| [Countdown]: gl & hf
[OC]Mars [Countdown]: all good
[11:35]: Allies capture the Old City!
[11:33]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[11:30]: Allies capture the Old City!
relax{Abject [10:58]: slash grasz za dwoch teraz
[10:40]: Allies have captured the Old City!
[10:40]: Allies have destroyed the Old City Door!
[9:24]: Allies have transmitted the North Documents!
f. michat:| [9:12]: gg
relax{Abject [8:47]: JA PIERDOLE
relax{Abject [8:43]: to jest ten ping
[7:06]: Allies have transmitted the South Documents!
[7:06]: Allies have transmitted both Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 4:54
f. boObje_ [Warmup]: ready !
relax{l4z [Warmup]: ³²¹Rèády
relax{l4z [Countdown]: W1LKO AGREGAT PADA
relax{l4z [Countdown]: LECIMY
[4:22]: Allies capture the Old City!
[4:21]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[2:28]: Allies capture the Old City!
[2:26]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[2:03]: Allies capture the Old City!
[2:02]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[2:00]: Allies capture the Old City!
[1:58]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[1:56]: Allies capture the Old City!
[1:48]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
f. michat:| [0:59]: tails
relax{w1lko [0:55]: :D
relax{Abject [0:52]: spierdalaj
relax{Abject [0:50]: z takim pingiem :D
[OC]Mars [0:47]: xD
[OC]Mars [0:38]: gold, radar, adler, bremen
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (4:54)
relax{w1lko [Intermission]: kurwa
relax{w1lko [Intermission]: kto ma benzyne
f. michat:| [Intermission]: tails tak jak mowilem;xd
relax{l4z [Intermission]: agregat pada/
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: start when ready
relax{mag [Warmup]: 30s
[OC]Mars [Warmup]: rupajcie
relax{l4z [Warmup]: take robia
relax{l4z [Warmup]: takte*
[OC]Mars [Countdown]: gl hf both
relax{w1lko [Countdown]: gl & hf :D
f. michat:| [Countdown]: gl & hf
[13:58]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[13:38]: The side door has been destroyed!
[13:32]: The main gate has been destroyed!
[13:28]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[13:24]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
[7:07]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[6:57]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[6:34]: The Allies have captured the keycard. The generator has been started!
[6:33]: Allied team has gained access to the truck!
[6:16]: The Truck has been repaired!
[5:29]: Truck Barrier #1 has been destroyed.
[4:02]: Allied team has escaped
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 10:57
f. boObje_ [Warmup]: ready !
relax{l4z [Warmup]: ³²¹Rèády
relax{w1lko [Warmup]: kurwa rupnija nie w chuja lecisz
[9:55]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[9:54]: The Axis have reclaimed the forward bunker!
[8:46]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[8:40]: Mars connected
[8:31]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
[8:23]: The side door has been destroyed!
[8:20]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[OC]Mars [8:16]: ukochany net ;d
[8:00]: The main gate has been destroyed!
[4:12]: Axis have returned the objective!
[3:51]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[3:36]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[3:08]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[3:04]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[2:23]: The Allies have captured the keycard. The generator has been started!
[2:21]: Allied team has gained access to the truck!
[2:07]: Truck Barrier #1 has been destroyed.
[2:03]: The Wooden Barrier has been constructed.
[1:26]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
f. boObje_ [1:11]: GG
relax{l4z [1:02]: oliwa sprawiedliwa
relax{l4z [1:01]: lD
[0:55]: f. b a r r a n disconnected
relax{w1lko [0:22]: :D
relax{slash [0:13]: SZCZESCIE 2 RAZY sie nie zdarza
[OC]Mars [0:06]: gg wp both
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (10:57)
relax{l4z [Intermission]: ggg
[Intermission]: relax{l4z disconnected
[Intermission]: f. BTW.>:D disconnected
[Intermission]: f. boObje_ disconnected
relax{mag [Intermission]: bb
f. michat:| [Intermission]: bb
relax{w1lko [Intermission]: raga ma fristajla
[Intermission]: relax{mag disconnected
[Intermission]: relax{slash disconnected
[Intermission]: f. Bl4nko disconnected
[Intermission]: f. michat:| disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.