exotic island ET vs Negative-Image (4995 views)

21.03.07 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: twidi (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

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1 st :O

easy for img
two different .img's? They should be merged imo

Busy evening for img btw ;s
izy 4 img :>
gl mno <3
gl setup & ag0n :* <3
setup and agon aren't exotic
gl mno!!!
gl exotic
ate aposto 10 em vcs
boa sorte
GO exotic!
lineup for img?
Ta no papo : P
fi own, pls.
erotic islands ftw!
Your bet: 10€ on exotic
Possible Win: 1,000.00 € (+990.00 €)
exotic island ET 100.00 vs 1.01 Negative-Image Total pot: 830955 €
Your bet: 15€ on exotic
Possible Win: 1,500.00 € (+1,485.00 €)

this game is canceled, because exotic folded

tho as it seems there wouldn't have been any ettv anyway :D
An exotic match canceled again. Nice.
#care is often too low for ladder matches, i'll try to put my own ettv on these instead of leaving it idle