Justfire vs Lost Soldiers (6990 views)

pl spaki
pl cymky
pl mufasa
hr praskoo
gb unblind
de s1LENT
de gr0ss
de boNg
de imob
de lango
12.12.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: spaki (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 34947
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


lol unblind n000b what are u doing there :D:DSDS
I think he's playing but i may be wrong.
widze ze juz naprawde nie masz kogo przyjmowac :D
tutaj gral ten caly " unblind " i gral jak jedno wielkie gowno :)
eg er polskur!
2 times !
Gl buzzer ;)
lol unblind n000b what are u doing there :D:DSDS
gl mufasa and welcome back vjto =)
ls need a rifle for this match?

gl ls :)
isnt boNg pretty good with the rifl?
lineup was added yesterday ...
boNg @ 50 per cent averrage rg accuracy.. sounds pretty decently, would like to see his one on lan tho ^^
bomi is playing rifle
HF VTJO gl spaki;]
ooo Serrano :D dzieki stary! ;)
hf chlopacy . mufasa :*
gl praskooo and VJTO :)
gl mufasa
unblinddddd :D gl ;)
wtf rich? XD
gl cymkynized and unblind oldie
You have € 25 on de lost^ Cancel bet
Possible win: € 31.25
gl spaki and cymky and my number one italian vjto:D
gl unblind
jebne ! :D
have fun and good luck unblind!
easy for teh new ls lineup
nice ls-lu :o
gl gr0ss & boNg :)
gogo ls
wtf ls lineup?!?!?!?
is ab jetzt so
alte säcke raus, junge rein :)
was macht dann noch der dicke pedobär dadrin?! :D
zu schade das es nicht um die voiceage geht, sonst wärst du sicher auch am start! :D
gl credibilis :D
wszystkie e-pieniazki na Justfire spazo zniszczy ! :XD
escpi wycofaj ;] zmienili sobie sklad 2 dni przed meczem wiec watpie ze cos ugramy ;]
nice lu lost, gl
sick lu :D gl bong & s1lent & gr0ss :D
viel glück <:-)
GL Rich
lango new mightybro
unlbind new forwardua,
plays with polaks only 8D
4:0 lost : )
wp ;-)
i knifed praskoo ;ppPPPPPPpPpP