Relax Multigaming vs team - target (5030 views)

pl l4z
pl abject
pl w1lko
pl slash
pl mag
be fostruM
nl mize
dk adi
nl Woody
nl 7ele
Keep the Ladder alive !
09.12.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: l4z (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 12443
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 20


#target lineup is
nl low_is_good
nl NoLegs
nl 7elemarketing
be Mr.Bodyshots
pl pec00


real lineup - FostruMMM 7ele adi WooDy TBA(mize/ipsoon/implux...)
lol great, 40acc kids playing with cheaters...................

You guys are so fucking funny.
yeah, last i head they took in this polish cheating scum. apperently gnajda's little brother. Nothing confirmed though..
hahahaa nothing new, I assume Mr. Bodyshots is fostruMM and hes pretty much the biggest not busted cheater and cheatingloving shithead I have ever seen.

He and that retard kid NoHead should get banned from ET for life....
never heard of them. they must be new to ET i presume? Not lanproofed kiddies make me mad! RAWRRRR
he cheats, everybody knows that! I dont get why you aint agreeing with me :S
Every war I have played against him he had 40/41 acc. Isn't that a bit suspicious ?
I shoot 2x higher than that lol
Every LAN you have organized has been cancelled till now. Isn't that a bit suspicious?
thank god that slac is forced in cb: )
fostrum has undetected private hax, last i heard :(
gl l4z :)
Woody <3
gl Nohead (:
gl Nohead :)
nohead wont play
gl gasten! ;)
gl Target!
mAg >target

GL l4z :DDD
nohead was zje, ale mag ich wysra :o
jak magu nie pocisniesz , mozesz sie pozegnac z kromeczka chleba ze swieza szyneczka
haha :D spokojnie, narazie jeszcze troche sniegu za oknem jest , wiec mam co jesc w akademiku xD
poza tym gracie przeciwko 4 wiec powinniscie ugrac mape
i pamietaj magu jak uczylem Ciebie strzelac :)
You have € 250 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 695
gl 7ele and woody :D
You have € 250 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 692.5

make me rich
no no domi, no win
team target nie umie wlaczyc skila na slacu wiec stawiam na was, GL wilko's bocik czy co tam masz ^^
izi bash 4 slah :****
gl fostruM & Woody
gl Relax
gl mize inet gangster :$
well played on karsiah! :D

You were amazing there!
You have € 250 on pl b2k
You lost

wwwwwhy? :<
co? ;o
You have € 90 on b2k
You lost

Thanks You very much... low+ :X