Enge Mannen Op slippers vs gaming2perfectionB (3180 views)

nl sENSA
nl Lars
nl Joel
be mArco_Carola
fi kerkko
at DonMatthias
19.12.10 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Winter Leagues 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: sensa (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 1601
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


gl sensij <3
gl sensa and lars, LoL pwner!
g2pBs lineup:
this is going to be fun xD
gl marco ;)
gl g2p <3
gl g2p ;)
shotout to 2late :D
gl g2p :)
enge mannen op slippers winnen:D
Viewer Peak: 13
fuck no :/
winnable game
if they would have read the rules they already won :D
howcome ?:D
4.2.3. Change players during a match

Players cannot be changed in the middle of the round. Every change must be done when one round is not being played, it doesn't matter if the map has not been fully played. Players may be changed during Warm Up. In case of a disconnect the respective team can use the pause function nevertheless the opposing team can allow to swap a player in that case directly.

4.2.5. Spectators

Spectators are only allowed if BOTH teams or players agree. In case of the match is being broadcasted, no spectators are allowed, only ESL Admins and Shoutcasters are allowed to stay as spectators.
They switched player during warmup :P
when i was on server @ adler i saw a spec on it.. and g2p said spec not allowed but they ignored it ... so...
nah he just came to say hes there cuz he was on other pc so dont cry pls ^^
gg wp