Most Valuable Players vs CodeLust (3899 views)

pl numeric
pl Frag'Stealer
pl zMk
gb razz
be chry
pl wiesiek
gb Mztik
fi Demz0r
fi Metsurii
fi Statti
fi Jewe
fi vanhaomena
19.12.10 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Aero X-Mas Special 2010
Manager: Jere (Highadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 9877
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


+ wiesiek
+ mztik
wiesiek? :{D?
want to see wiesiek at slac imo, gl boys
Du willst wisiek mit slac sehen -> In deiner Meinung?<- Du weisst schon das imo in my opinion heisst also macht das kein sinn ..
OMGOMGOMG go look for your brain!!!
u can see him@ BiO or crossfire public everyday. imo enough skilled to bash coldlust.
coldlust must be shit:p
okay gogo numeric
Wiesiek , Frag, Mztik :O :O :O
omfg wiesiek......

Gl Codelust
Gl 0
gl rS* !
GL Polacy :D:D Wiesiek, Numeric, Frag'Stealer,zMk :D
gl seb
plWiesiek o.O ? Wielki powrot Mistrza :D?
przed NC kazdy powraca ;)
juz jestes w zenicie?
You have € 1000 on eu zeroE
Possible win: € 1380
GL Polacy xD
Remove Salaneuvos from LU and add Demz0r & Vanhaomena, not sure which of us will play.
why no sala?
He went to visit Scotland
I see, so thats why his flag is uk now:D
Or some1 scammed his account, he left friday already and the flag was still fin this morning:D
in that case someone scammed him!

For example, if I would now log in with your password your flag would change to a dutch one untill you would log in yourself, so I guess he just didn't log in yet:)
noo wiesiu GL :)
GL wiesiek !
omg wiesiek omg ! GL!
gl mztik wiesiek statti :)
gl codelust
omg wiesiek omg tylko ciekawe czy bedzie w ogole gral dzisiaj.. xd
Will be wiesiek playing?
k, and now in english plz
QuoteWill be wiesiek play?
Will be wiesiek play?
gl Zero Empathy
hf Numeric ! :) gl zeroE
GL polskie NFZ czyli numeric, Frag'Stealer, zMk :D!!
powodzenai numeric, i wiesiek jesli zagra :)