to Make odds even vs Polish Most Valuable Players (9431 views)

pl Elviss
pl fanatic
pl ska
pl Frag'Stealer
pl numeric
pl zMk
3on3 NationsCup Polish Qualifiers

1/2 Final
23.12.10 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 3on3 NationsCup 2011
Hosting: 3on3 Nationscup
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 38810
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 101


MVP : ) <3
hf zMk =)
izi 4 mvp
You have 100 on tMoe
Possible win: € 361
You have € 250 on PMVP
Possible win: € 377.5
gl numeric
Good luck dialer & numeric <3
tmoe make me dream :) , gl Mr Stealer .
pokaraned ;>
to izi for PMVP
gl numeric :p
looks like tMoe vs tMoe ;o GL both
hf numeric =)!
no MR.answer no win !!!!!
powodzenia numeric zMk !! :)

PS: elviss:
GL numeric, frag'stealer, dialer :)
old tmoe vs new tmoe!
gl boyz
numeric , ska GL !: )
maybe change teams lol?

dialer, fragstealer, numeric should be pltMoe

and others PMVP
hi I 'destroyed' your EC
gl Dialer
gl dialer& numeric :D
gl ska
should be close, gl elviss
gl team haxball
gl numeric & zMk
You have € 240 on pl tMoe Cancel bet
Possible win: € 770.4

gl miski
hf numerc, frag and zmk :)
gl elviss and ska : -)
numer oby Cie zlali
u mad?
nie, ale lubie jak numer sie denerwuje :D
musialby przegrac 10offi pod rzad
score ?:)
POkazalem ze nadal potrafie strzelac:)!
no i gra o pieniazki panowie
You have € 60 on tMoe
You won € 163.2 :DDD
You have € 20 on pl tMoe
You won € 54.4

numeric jak zostanie kaptejnem to ich nie powola :< a szkoda
numeric jakkiedy zostanie kaptejnem to ich nie powola :< a szkoda*
You have € 74 on PMVP
You lost

wp boys
Elviss pojechal ruda pacyne jak lysa szmate
You have € 1410 on PMVP
You lost lewary
seriously?? what happened?
tMoe pl 2.72
1.58 pl PMVP
You have € 50 on pl tMoe
You won € 136
You have € 67 on pl PMVP
You lost
Clearly bad warmup :/
You have € 855 on pl PMVP
You lost

You have € 100 on pl PMVP
You lost
great gift xD
You have € 250 on pl PMVP
You lost
5o5 only :P
NP for Elviss m8 :D
Gg tmoe , wp
You have € 3000 on pl PMVP
You lost
<< backtime
cancel bet
ERROR -666